Christmas Eve

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. I love Christmas Eve Infact probably more so than Christmas Day so what are your plans? I'm working till lunch time then home for couple hours then we are off to see some friends for a pre christmas tipple, then plan to watch cheesy christmas movies i will need to hide the remote to do this though as duke will not agree! its onlys once a year he controls it the other 364 days! This is the first year I actually won't be rushing around buying things and wrapping! Looking forward to chillaxing with my gowgess boys
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  2. I love Xmas eve too :)
    I'm working till 2.30 collecting kids from their nan going to visit some friends then home with excited kids.
    Lots of rubbish to eat and tele to watch.
    All pressies are wrapped so will chill with a glass of wine.
    Get the table ready for xmas morning
    Job done
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  3. Should be a good day.
    Need to head to town to buy a voucher for a handmade shirt for the guy who has helped me build my new oak front door, also some mincemeat for my mince pies (you can't buy them here). Thence to the gym.

    Finally it will be the turkey as (a) Xmas dinner normally happens on the 24th here and (b) I do my eating and drinking in the evening rather than at midday (which wrecks the whole day IMO). Some ex

    But... but.... I think I will head off and sneakily buy my own Xmas pressie - a guitar - while I'm out. [runs and hides]
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  4. Well I've done all my running around and delivering family and friends Xmas presents today. Started out on the road at 7am this morning and just got home 5 mins ago. Just gonna chill tomorrow, though I may just check out my snowboard bag and start to pack for my trip to the Porte du Soleil in January.
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  5. Mrs goes to mass every year, I'm normally ill, so going there at 2330. Shame its just by the pub ;)

    but before that, got to get a few more warm clothes for my boy who's off to Finland Boxing Day and as its -13 at the mi, normally zero at this time, have an emergency packing rethink
    #5 bradders, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
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  6. Just cut some arm and leg holes in a sleeping bag.
  7. Will you look like Arsene Wenger when you wear it? :tongue:
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  8. nice choice of pressie glidd!

  9. I have a nice guitar for sale :)
  10. Well, a Tele would be very nice, but unjustifiable at the moment, whereas an acoustic is really quite justifiable, seeing as I don't have one yet (and all us would-be guitar players are meant to have one).
  11. Blomey, Christmas eve is here - i will cook a turkey, and make cranberry sauce, take some flowers out to to the forest, walk the dog, my littlun should be round to help out with all the above.....
    Carol service at 4, then hopefully a peaceful evening in with a couple of cold ones
    Day done :)
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  12. Working 05:00 to 13:00, but then just relaxing with family :smile:
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  13. Are you one of Santa's elves?
  14. Im about 4ft too tall for that :smile:
  15. Taylors are nice. See stu-pendus's Muso thread further down the page.

    Christmas Eve is a lovely day. As long as you don't have to go near town, the shops or the supermarket. So, I'll be stacking some logs for the fires, going for a pedal around Nidd Gorge and generally loafing about. Having a few beers this evening.
    #15 Parabolica, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2012
  16. Got to go to town!
    Today mixed feelings ..
    One of our much loved pets has had a massive stroke so got to be put down.

    Got to go do bank crap and buy cards I forgot... Just want it all over .
    Sick of being bullied by my Mum .
    Same shit every year.
    One year I'm just going to explode at my parents I swear.
    Il get a call tomorrow having a go at me no doubt .. Temper tantrum demanding when she can come up... Because of course I can't be there at Christmas as they like it on their own.
    But then I have to drop everything to suit them.
    So I have to juggle them and my kids dad and kids .
    Have to drop my son at his Dads tomorrow go in my old estranged house be happy for the kids .
    Go home.. Sleep.
    You can pick your friends but not your family!!!!!

    Il never ever be like that with my sons!
    People are free spirits being their parent is not bloody ownership certainly not at 40!
    I like my space ... Including away from judgemental family.
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  17. I hope you find some time for yourself tomorrow. But as the old saying goes 'don't let the buggers get you down'
    I for one would like to wish you a Merry Christmas HC, and wish you all the best for 2013
  18. your right YOU will be watching I WONT ............... and DT IS SINGING UPSTAIRS .....SILENT NIGHT ???? NO IT IS NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHADDDUP WILL YA
  19. I'm working all over the Christmas period, thank fuck for that :biggrin:
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  20. having the week off...

    Although enjoying 5 kids ( 2 + 3 ) , it will be my lovely mss and myself to our own, feasting on two fresh lobsters and a bottle of Bollinger... an indulgence..
    i'll do the cooking as i do most of the time. it's become a bit of a ritual over the years and we really look forward to it..

    tommorow then will be a whole 24 people all day family thing..
    the bells will djingle!
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