Morning all, I've done a few touring holidays but this will be my first two up and on the Multi. Me and the better half are heading away in a few weeks for a 21 day tour of the Alps/Dolomites/Black Forrest. The bike is getting shipped down with Bikeshuttle therefore saving the ride down to Geneva. Normal prep is done in terms of general maintance etc, so overall the bike should be all set. I've heard of problems with Multi's clutch when ascending and descending passes, due to air ingress. Is this true? Should I pack a bleeding kit? Is there anything else that anyone has encountered or recommends that we need to plan for? Suggestions, critics and well wishes welcome
@t3scn - it's worth having a spanner for bleeding clutch and front brake, you don't need fluid as you just have to "burb" the first couple of bubbles. If you've got a DVT model, it's worth taking a hex key to tighten up the mirrors. I carry some duct tape and a few tyraps, as they come in very useful if you damage the hand guards). I've also got a small air pump (made by Rocky Creek Designs) and a small jump start battery and some modified leads. A socket for the rear wheel can come in useful if you need to repair/change the rear tyre, go for the Motomfg version as it's made from steel, as some garages don't have a socket to fit. I've used the Bikeshuttle service a couple of times and it is excellent. Luckily I only live about 12 miles away from their base near Weedon Bec, so it's very convenient for me. For the sake of your pillion, I hope you've got a top box with a back rest pad Enjoy your tour, Steve
I've done plenty of European tours on my Multi and never had an issue with the clutch. I suggest you do bleed the system before you go though. As far as tips for a tour go the Multi is pretty much good for anything the mountains can offer. I would suggest though that 1.The refillable 75ml S-Doc 100 chain spray fits nicely under the seat and will give you 3 or so resprays during your tour. 2. Make sure your pannier bottom mount rubbers are firmly secured. Taking panniers on and off can loosen them to the extent they may pull off. Some have even zip tied them in place. 3. Take a paper clip with you. Sounds daft but one got me out of the shit when the sidestand switch went in the middle of Germany. Used it to short circuit the block connector and hey presto! 4. Pannier bags are brilliant and saves carting your panniers up the stairs in the hotel when doing just a one night stopover. 5. New tyres. Unless you're confident they'll last I suggest new rubber. Carting a pillion and full luggage seems to increase wear rate, especially when giving it some on the B500! 6. Keep an eye on your oil level. Some Mutleys use it Enjoy your trip!
As already stated the rear wheel nut is a good plan. A small container of engine oil if you require a little top up. Enjoy!
I carry the following: Puncture repair kit With plenty of co2 canisters Cable cutters Duct tape Electrical tape Side stand puck First aid kit 2 foil space blankets Cable ties A short piece of cable A small socket set Small SEALED container of engine oil Don't carry brake fluid as it gets shaken up which puts tiny air bubbles into it rendering it useless till it's stood overnight. It sounds a lot but I've had to do all sorts of stupid "get out of jail free" tricks at the side of the road. My favourite was having to Hotwire my VFR 400 after the ignition barrel decided to shit itself Almost forgot... carry some water, 1.5L bottle usually, it's amazing how quickly you can get dehydrated when riding.
I ride on the continent 100% of my time and don't need to carry any of that stuff, we can get it all over here. The water one is great, but that is also available from every tap or shop here too.
I usually take a tube of superglue, araldite rapid and some Sugru (like bluetac but turns into rubber) These combined with some spanners, allen keys, cable ties and gaffa tape means you can probably fix most minor things. Likewise I wouldn't bother with oil... Always good to have a map as well, in case the sat nav packs up!
We're currently in the Cairngorms, had new ish rubber on the back (400 miles) and hey presto a bloody puncture 1"screw- my get out of jail was my Kevlar rubberised bungs and as already said plenty of co2, we were lucky as it deflated close to a fuel station with air, also I ride with a camelbak (other makes are available) with 11/2 litre bladder we can both get a drink on the move, have a great trip
No mate we're getting the ferry from Harwich to the Hook and we'll be back before you go! Have a good trip
The Multi is the perfect tool for your trip. The only problem I've experienced in many trips was finding a nail in my tyre. Apart from some good suggestions above, don't forget to get European Breakdown cover, just in case!
Sounds a great trip! Loving some of the advice. Are these things stickies? They should be. Maybe a 'touring tips' sticky in Touring forum, alongside another for adding gpx files and routes @El Toro ?