Remember the TZR ?

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by wroughtironron, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. I had one many moons ago. Loved it. :upyeah:
  2. Absolutely gorgeous.
    How I lusted after one of those back in the day!
  3. I had the reverse cylinder version from japan and though the handling was good it was under powered and very hard to tune.
  4. I'd give a vital organ for an original TZR250. I remember when they first appeared over here, I was driving to work when a blue bike wazzed past at a rate no 250 could possibly achieve. Thankfully he stopped for fuel so I had a good look at it. A true game-changer.
  5. that one is a nice one for sure at the thick end of the price spectrum, however the 3xv are hard to get some power from.
    sublime handling and brakes, not so great engine and the finish is poor in certain parts.
    i have had around 5 of these over the years,
    had most strokers to be honest, still the NSR MC21 takes some beating for pure power / handling, that said i now own a Rothmans MC28, the slowest of the NSR's and heaviest. pretty bike though
  6. I had the 125, which I de-restricted without adding in the servo motor to compensate (can you say 'powerband'?), and lusted after the 250 but never got one. I seem to remember it had the best power to weight ratio of any bike (of any capacity) at the time.
  7. well just to take a few down memory lane, anyone learn on one of these ? i own this, its a genuine full power mk3, and can carry my bulk to 90. of course it comes as standard with the hinge in the frame and avon deathmaster tyres
    Oh and yes that mileage is correct, done around 900 more since.

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  8. My first road bike, a white and blue RD 125 LC so memories flood back
  9. I always preferred the KR1-S but would not turn down a TZR 250 its a shame there us a generation who won't experience two strokes.
  10. RG250 gamma was my dream over all of them
  11. TDR for me


  12. had a TZR 250 and loved it,i used to race me mate(he had a gsxr1100) on the twisty roads :) and keep up :)
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  13. Used a TZ350 in one of the outfits.......blistering.................unless of course we forgot our barometer to check the ambient wotsit and check the main jet which case it was normally 'Craaaaannng!' as it seized up.

    Also had an RD350B.....another powerful two stroke, apart from ever changing the reed thingys.

  14. My 2-stroke history is limited to a Fizzie, RD250DX and a wild RD400. And the mighty MZ of course.
  15. Hi Figaro had all of those apart from the fizzie. Hd a nsu quickly instead lol
  16. I used a TZR 125 for a long while, it was a great bike, and for a 18 year old with no other transport a lifesaver :biggrin:
  17. Just like my second bike D86 MUB, cost me £650 quid back in 1989. How cheap was that! mega fast when you were 17 and used to a 3hp TS50X. Mine was derestricted and had a vicious little powerband it shot up to 95mph. unfortunately some swine stole it. I did buy an rd again a few years back, wasnt quite the same sensation, shagged and like sitting on a space hopper so i sold it to some guy who was doing a trip to france on 125s with his mates.
  18. I started my racing career on a production RG250 Gamma MK 3, got wasted by the TZR brigade, so I bought one of them, then the RGV250 & KRI came out, so I got wasted by them, decided to go down the "proper" racing bike route, bought a TZ250A reverse cylinder which stayed on the pace for years......really miss those 2 stroke days!!
  19. My mate has one in his 'collection' of bikes. As he keeps telling me, its the most fun bike he's ever ridden. Until it blew up. A week later he's got a big heavy parcel arrive from 'Stan Stephens Tuning'.....Meh, its just like being young again! Endless toys and tinkering!

    He's also got an RD500 in his 'collection'. Talk about having a death-wish!
    #20 urbanfireblade, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
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