crimbo bloody eve,and what do ya know....the bastard TV has gone on the bloody blink!.cant go out for a new one everywhere is bastard closed for a few days.
You lucky sod!!!!!!!!! .......... Please let this happen so I don't have to endure anymore fackin Xmas this Xmas that , your a bah humbug, blah fackin blah ....... And the endless dogshit Xmas movies , and what the hell has a perv in a red and white suit got to do with the birth of some random Arab born in a shed 2000yrs ago still he didn't have to queue for a French stick did he .....oh no , he pulled a Paul Daniels and magic'd em up .... ????? Sorry I don't do Xmas , I won't , can't , refuse ..... Proper rant ...... Have a good one
I might have got The Great Escape on my PC.........................I could email it to you.....:wink: AL
Yeah, if you've got a PC, there's always BBC iPlayer etc....If no PC, sounds like excellent excuse to spend as much time at pub as possible!
I could get smashed I spose but I don't drink so pissing on the tree lights with out an excuse .....err dangerous with pixie ......
Try this amusing Xmas game 1 fill up with really gassy lager 2 shove a few dinner sprouts in your ass 3 adopt praying to allah position and fire ...... The kids will love it " look kids I'm a cannon , grab your action men "
cheers for the offer mate,i do have one in the bedroom,but fat arse sitting next to wont bring it up the stairs,i would do it meself but me foot is in a cast!lol