1200 DVT What Aftermarket Screen

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by woodbutcher, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. Thanks for the help.
    And by the way when you put it up, where the wind strikes you?
    And there is any speed that hits you in the visor?
  2. Got one on a 2016 dvt I'm 6'4 puts the wind into my chest on lower and just over my shoulder on highest .. is a lot better for me but still lots of noise arai chaser lid they've all arai's have been noisy what I've had ear plugs sorts that looks wise I prefer it .. not much bug or weather protection though .. I've got a touring one to for long hauls just looks numb but for the sake of £55 and five mins to change it I've the best of both worlds .
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  3. Got A Puig for sale if you want it :)
    Check the for sale bit
  4. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. Can not locate it. Why are you selling it? Is something that you did not like?
  6. No not at all , sold the bike
    Found it a lot better than the standard offering

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  7. Hey fat bob yoy still got this for sale?
  8. Only thing i would say is if you go for Puig touring screen or similar, you usually get 3 choices. Clear, light tint or black. Unless you are a giant i am only 6 ft. Then don,t go for black as with it down it,s in same position as standard bike up. In up position you have to look through it. I got light tint & not bad compromise. Just doesn,t look as bling as the black one.
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  9. Yup still sat in garage
  10. Have you a photo please?
  11. I've got the big GIVI screen fitted to mine, its bloody brilliant, i ride with it on the mid setting and at three figures theres no buffetting, and the only things that hit my visor on the last ride was a wasp... a big one at that.
  12. Think there's one on the board somewhere of the screen by itself , will dig out a pic of it on the bike , screen is boxed up in the loft now
    #53 fatbob99, Aug 31, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
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  13. I replaced the standard screen with the carbon Pikes Peak version and it suits me better, especially since getting a Shoei Hornet ADV lid.
    I put the standard screen back on the other day for a quick road test (we're off to the Alps soon so thought it might be better for touring) and was surprised at how much turbulence there was around my head and how noisy it was. Needless to say the PP screen went straight back on. Looks better too IMO!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I've got the conquest carbon version, had it on today for a track day, at 5ft 10 it's ok but not much weather protection, use a puig dark smoke for long trips but as @Steviegtr stated it's a bit disconcerting when you can't see through it!
  15. Forgot to mention I'm 6'3", so there's definitely not as much weather protection but I'll try and tuck in if it rains (which is likely :()
  16. So for a lanky git like me at 6' 3" tall which offers the b st weather protectio? I intend to have one for blasting around and one for touring.
  17. Yeah but do you not blast when you tour?
    You're gonna get wet if it rains either way...
  18. Any idea what you want for it please? Could you post (to Cumbria - lake district)
  19. How much and could you post England mainland, please?
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