Xmas TV

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Bored with it already. Roll on 7.30pm when Coronation Street's on :upyeah:
  2. i've got a TV for sale if ya want it?.....
  3. Are you serious???? Anything is better than that shite. In fact, a long slow shite is more satisfying than watching anything so sad and low IQ.
  4. Yeah there's f*ck all on mine either........and it works.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Quite enjoying David Attenboroughs flying monsters
  6. Oi you !!!

    That's his favourite!
  7. Watched one Christmas film now watching David Attenborough - and I cant believe the nipper deleted The Snowman I was looking forward to watching that!
  8. The nipper is just taking the wrap for it....it was Bah Humbug Butch.....he's Christmas'ed out already!
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  9. Is the truth lol :biggrin:
  10. This is luxury, The last Xmas i had at home there was only 3 channels.
  11. fucked remote?.
  12. Lol
  13. Yeah n some f*cker had put his telly right in the corner of the room where he couldn't reach it
  14. Fuck this shite i am off out.
  15. The street is aces :upyeah:
  16. All doom and gloom
    When did the tilsley lad get married last time I saw it he was still at school!!
  17. You mean David Platt don't you :tongue:
  18. That's the one , I think
  19. Eurosport2 best three sbk races on now
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