Classic Tt

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by its me, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Will it be on TV? Isn't it usually on ITV4?. I can't see it listed anywhere.
  2. Starts tm I think for racing. Sad to hear one of Stafford's bikes let go today, not the Oxford hillier bike but the other one. Real shame, they put so much time and cash in :(
  3. Spell my bloomin name reet or else!!

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  4. I just guess at names ;)

    Didn't realise you had a race team entered too......#oldconfusedsmiley
  5. :yum




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  6. Close one eye and squint.......definitely a Ducati

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  7. Can't find it either. Looks like darts has a better audience.
  8. Itv4 thursday 9pm
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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