fooking result!!!!!!!... fat arse wont get the TV.i got to open a prezzie,star wars lego tie fighter set.get in.
Whatever made you think that!!! infact he's that miserable I sent him up the shop for some tin foil and said oh whilst you're there see if there are any humbugs! Clearly being sarcastic - and he returned with these!!!!
Speno, mate, are you back home or in legal dope land? If you're home I'm sure you know some one who will be able to sort you out with a telly in no time. Half of Liverpool is out on the piss tonight, plenty of unattended tellys just waiting to be re-distributed.
haha,still in clogland,fuck the telly, am pissing meself laughing at the wife putting me lego together...hahahhaha
I'd rather use the transporter thanks.....that suvern poofta might have swam in the Themes, but no sane person would swim the Tees.