Favourite Euphamisms

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. What are yours???

    e.g. Uphill gardener
    someone who bowls from the Vauxhall end
    One eyed trouser snake
    front bottom
    Etc. Etc.
  2. Gambled and lost...(followed through)
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  3. Laying a cable, crimping out a length or dropping the kids off at the pool
  4. Ha ha these always makes me laugh
    kicking her back doors in,knocking the back legs of it :D
  5. Going to snap one off.
  6. The woman asked me if I knew any euphemisms, so I gave her one.
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  7. Talking the hind legs off a donkey
  8. Sending an old friend to the sea!
  9. shit or bust !!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. The whole of the urban dictionary and Lads Bible .
  11. Don't forget Roger's Profanisaurus
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  12. A trouser sneeze
  13. To coil one down
  14. Taking the difficult brown, rather than the easy pink.
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  15. My teeth are floating! (Dying for a piss)
  16. Introduce youself to Mrs. Hand's five lovely daughters.
  17. The urban dictionary is American and mostly not funny, just vulgar. We Brits can do better, we can do vulgar plus funny, or funny without vulgar. Please get your mates to contribute so we can provide a much more UK centric - and much funnier - version. thanks , Neil (Mr. SH).

    PS I used to drive a vulgar, but I had awesome speed & bad mpg, so swapped it for a vulva, which was more fuel efficient, but quite slow. Finally, I got a Volvo, which was very safe, but was no fun. Sometimes, life is like that. Pay your money and take your choice .............
  18. Going to siphon the python, point Peter at porcelaine, etc.
  19. Sorry Mr H.
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