Has a Panigale demo been crashed ??

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by iang27, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. I read on another forum that CMW Ducati's demo Panigale has been written off but I cannot find any further information or if it is just a rumour, anyone heard anything ?
  2. has Gav ridden it yet?
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  3. Bin Ladens has been crashed but not sure if it was classed as a demo ride.
  4. Very bloody funny.... Jerry!!

    And for information - no i havent ridden it yet...but I have got one lined up for the weekend....
  5. First dibs on the engine :biggrin:
  6. I do know that Moto Rapido were running theirs in for the first 50ish miles as apparently they smoke quite a bit to start with.

  7. Can vouch for that - DM's smoked like there was shot of diesel in the tank when they first fired it up...!
  8. The only thing I can say is that it would not have been crashed today as they are not open on Thursdays.
  9. Watch out for cars in front of you turning right Gav, I can't be doing with another WDW ruined by "ooh my wrist hurts" first one it was Ollie (nothing to do with crashing a bike) 2nd one you'd totalled a demo I think?
  10. Totalled a demo is rather exaggerating it Roy - I put a hyper down on its side at about 15mph.... bar end, mirror, lever, peg, and gear change lever is hardly totalled. But yes I did drop one.... and broke my scaphoid in the process, which does give me some gip with arthritic aches from time to time....

    Anyway - thought you were supposed to be being nice to me at the moment.... ??
  11. Personally, I prefer Roys story. More impact :biggrin::upyeah:
  12. We went to look to see if it was there today, CMW was not open due to bank holiday, but it was not in the showroom, Richard may have taken it home I suppose, he has posted on the site that he had ridden it, but you would have thought they would keep in in the showroom so that everyone could see it. There was a big gap in the showroom, make of that what you will.
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  13. If I owned a dealership and had a Panigale demonstrator no customer would get a look in! I'd be at Donington or Cadwell on it :biggrin:
  14. I think if I owned a dealership I'd have as many potential customers on it as possible, but hey that's business for you.
  15. Hi There just to put the record straight yes our demo did have a small incident. Luckily the damage is very limited and Ducati seem to have all of the parts ( as most of you know Ducati is really good on spare parts these days ) apart from one small plastic cone that ducts air from the radiator and without it we cannot fit the lower fairing panels securely. For some reason this part is not on the system yet. The other couple of parts that we needed were here within 24 hours the service that we come to expect from Ducati. Hopefully that little plastic part will be here very soon.
    Therefore rumours of it being written off are totally unfounded, and we shall be offering test rides again shortly. Believe me it is worth the wait.
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  16. I mentioned this to my local dealer, a bit tongue in cheek he said if any demo had to be written off the 1199 would be the best one, he sold most of his allocation before the demo even arrived in the shop!
  17. It is a racebike after all. Go for it, I'd rather see it ridden etc etc
  18. Seems a common theme that dealers have sold their allocation.

    I've read of quite a few that had sold all of certain spec models before they even hit uk soil.
    Gotta be good for Ducati and dealers especially as it's not a cheap bike given the current economic climate.

    If i had the money and i could fit on it, the Tri would be i my garage asap.
  19. I have seen it the damage is really truly only very slight, trust me it is beautiful. I have to say I can see why people would want to give it a try, it looks beautiful.
  20. It's not a racebike though, but I get your drift, it is a desirable bike. A race bike on the road isn't so appealing to ride as an everyday machine.
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