Great day at Silverstone today, Gp circuit and pits. At least 5 Panigales, 1 999 and me on a 996. It was wet to start but by Lunch the track was dry and sun out. Anyone on here there today?
yeah I was up there on the GSXR.... was a great day but we had quite a few red flags in the middle group... the wet this morning as interesting!
@Air Duck that was you, you like carbon!! @frazzle, yea the wet was interesting! Particularly Vale, I'm convinced it wanted to bin everyone.
Vale was weird... I've done Silverstone wet a couple of times but it seemed proper slippy today... I only saw a couple of Ducati's... heaps of BMW's! and a few nice oldr Suzi's too..
Ah OK cheers, met a lovely fella there today riding a 12S and wondered if it was him, ah that's total crap luck for your mate... I hope it didn't do more cosmetic damage!