so now all the prezzies are open,what is the worst thing you got,as in WTF is this shite?........ i got one of them square batterys(the one's you put on ya tongue and and go feck) idea why i got what was your WTF is this prezzie?. :biggrin:
i feel your pain mate,do what i do,put some HP in a bag of smokey bacon walkers,then get lashed on the black stuff!......
A few years ago I got a Peter Kay T shirt and a packet of hobnobs. She'd seen his routine about dunking hobnobs and thought I'd get the joke. I didn't find it funny at all. And I remind her of it every year in case she tries to be funny again.
Not being given some time and thought. The worst present ever... Something crap would have been better then nothing. Sorry ..
A few years ago I got a book, not a thin one either, of those 3d pictures, that to see the effect you had to look at cross eyed. Straight to the charity shop.
I had this for my birthday, it's still in its box, why would my mum buy me this, has she not known me for 40 years? Yet to open my Xmas present from her....
I get some quality presents from my brother (picked by his wife, to be fair to him). One year I got a car breakdown kit - jump leads, in other words, and last year I got some snow shoes! I'll see him on the 27th, can't wait for this year's...
All good this year. Gots some albums I wanted and a few movies. Nothing earth shattering, but I think i'll be sick of Jaffa cakes after I was bought the 1m long box
I don't get crap pressies cos I don't get any. I don't do christmas. Took me a long time to train the wife. as we progress through the year i try to buy what I want when I want it If I run out of money towards the end of the year I get the missus to buy it and tell her to call it a christmas pressie so I DON'T HAVE TO PAY HER BACK My Mother used to buy me crap pressies so I told her to stop. She sticks some money in a card for me. I tell my kids not to buy me anything and use the money to buy my grandkids another present because Christmas is for kids as far as I am concerned. I do buy the wife a christmas present she deserves it for putting up with me. This is the grandson finding a Golden Ticket in his Wonka Bar
Couldn't care less what I get, it's the thought and the gesture that counts. As said, it's all about the kids, if I never got another gift again it wouldn't bother me, the time off means more to me now.