They function as they should, just be cautious of noise if you're on track. The Akra cans are loud! It all goes together in a specific way. You need all the right bits or it becomes a head ache. For example us and uk pipes are different the flapper valve is in the mid pipe but the uk is in the cat and aren't compatible. i know this as the y piece in question is the same part number
afraid not thats the y piece i had to buy thats 240, also that seller is a cock so avoid him. That piece takes the 2 header pipes there is then another piece that fits onto it to go into the cans. You could ask him if he has a full system but he fucked me about so be cautious
Good tip. Thank you. God knows why people have to be such dicks on eBay. It's like a village especially built to house them now.
i was selling these forgot to cancel it. heres the full system with everything you need
Ignoring the mounting bracket for a moment, I'm guessing I've got no chance of removing the Alta cans from the bike I'm buying then creating sleeves/ spacers/ bridging to marry up the 1299 cans?
If you're an engineer and have access to everything you need sure you could. But save yourself a headache and get the proper stuff. Whats on the 1199 already?
Fuck sake. I want all of that but massively don't want to have to pay all of that just to hang these silly pretend cans on the bike. Shall I just flog the pipes? I had hoped it was going to be a simple-ish fun little modification to roll around with, then remove before track stuff.
I am an engineer, but that sort of thing is not really my area of expertise. The 1199s has Termis on it but I'm not sure if it's the full system or just the end cans (or is that's even possible) as the chap selling it isn't sure as it was fitted when purchased.
If you had a 1299 or 959 it would have been simple, bit naughty to not tell you that they wouldn't fit an 1199. Id sell the cans and buy a set of termis if, but then you need an up map or ecu work to suit which can be done on a bench if you need it doing
Termis are decent you could sell that entire system to fund what you need for the cans you have bit backwards mind
In the chaps defence, he said he didn't know but I decided to give it a try anyway. It's my fault, but there's no harm in trying eh?
That's not a bad idea. It's probably a totally daft idea too though, as then I'll be stuck with a system I can never take on track. When will I ever learn not to mess?
not at all they were cheap you probably get more for them on eBay, Full systems don't really do much, titanium cools faster same with inconel. All comes down to what you want to spend. If you want those cans to work easiest bet is change the headers sell your termi system, But then id imagine the 1199 has been upmapped so you'll need the ecu looking at ideally.
It has been upmapped, yeah. Which I guess is a further expense to mess with. Rats. Oh, well. Nothing ventured. When the bike arrives I'll offer them up but if it's totally not doable I guess I'll bung them on the 'bay. Perhaps let your friend know they might be available again, chum?
He didnt have them as they aren't allowed in the trioptions cup. Reason he didnt have them If you need any more advice just ask.