Iphone 8

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. That's too much as well. They price em mental because people are willing to spend £50 a month on a phone contract and that spreads the cost over 2 years or whatever. That sorta money will get you a serious laptop. Remember a few years ago when £200 was a lot to spend on a phone. It's a god damn phone at the end of the day. I don't need it to have 5 billion megapixels and cameras on both sides. I can turn the phone around if I want to take a picture of myself. It doesn't need wireless charging and 3D touch and voice recognition that doesn't work properly. I just want it to work. And mine after 2 years can't connect to wifi abroad because I'm more than 2cm away from the router, and can't figure out locations on maps anymore. And repairing it isn't an option because the 'geniuses' at the fucking shop want £200 to even think about opening the magic phone up.

    If I spend £850 on the new one I'd want it to work well for 5 years. That's what I expect of a laptop or coffee machine or TV or anything else for the house that I spend that much on. It's like spending 20K on a car and expecting it to work in 5 years. If you spent £3000 on something made in Bangladesh out of pubes that's one thing...

    I think I've said enough and I should go to bed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. It's not a phone it's a mini computer like I keep telling my kids :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. A cat is a mini lion and they are much cheaper than lions.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Useful Useful x 1
  4. You are not buying a phone though it is a mini computer. I've not had any problems from any of my iphones. I've still got my 6 at home which I still use on occasion with no issues. With phone cameras being improved you don't need some whacking slr. Like I said it's not just a phone it's a camera an iPod a filofax a Tv your getting loads for the money. Most of the laptops I've seen at £800 are good spec but there is always one shitty component thrown in for good measure. It has decent ram and nice size hard drive good sound then they chuck in onboard graphics which shares the ram. My next laptop will be custom built and prob around £1200 to £1400 quid but at least I get to choose.
  5. I wouldnt disagree that they are vastly overpriced. Same as my Macbook Pro, but my old one lasted 8yrs and ive still got it. It still works, but is now in my garage as my garage PC. You find me a windoze laptop that can do that and still be as quick and reliable as the day I bought it. My new one can run windoze in its own window, whilst still doing its mac stuff. It runs windoze faster than on my watercooled gaming pc and I was surprised how quickly it installed it.

    All my apple products have been flawless. Apart from my new macbook pro which suffered a reboot prob. This was fixed under warranty and returned to me within 2 days, despite being out of the warranty period by a month.

    I'm all mac at home, with macbook, mini mac, appletv, basestation etc. I walk in and my phone autosyncs. My backups take care of themselves. I do fek all. Which is how I like it. It works for me. But that said, iTunes and the music app on the iphone have gone downhill functionality wise. When something works great, leave it. Apple have a habit of fiddling and I dont enjoy the new itunes or music app. I find them a step backwards. But this is minor.

    The best camera is on the new sony phone a friend has. The pictures it took of a gig we went to (Leftfield) were simply stunning and made mine look poor. But I dont care about photos as I am a shit photographer who could not compose a pic to save his life according to mrs boots.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I have always had iPhones from the 3GS to the 7. I purchased my iPhone 7 brand new on contract for £250 plus a contract for under £26 a month including unlimited texts and calls and 5gb of data. This was actually cheaper than my last contract which was nearly £27 and only had 500mb of data.

    As mentioned no doubt each has it's pro and cons and you definitely pays your money and makes your choice.

    I would say that the Iphone 7 doesn't seem much better than the 6, and apart from more memory, I feel I could have left that when upgrade time came. However, I rarely use the camera and I believe this was one of the selling points of the 7 at the time, maybe I just don't use every feature on it as i have no need to presently.

    This thread somehow reminds me of the "What Is The Best Oil To Use In My Bike" everyone has an opinion and some will agree and others won't. I know what I prefer at the moment but would not necessarily expect everyone to go along the same lines as me.
    #26 Red998, Sep 8, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
  7. This is a thread that will run and run and will never be solved or agreed on. There are always going to be folk batting for each side of this. Simple fact, some folk like Apples, and some folk like one of the other fruits. They are probably all good at what they do, it's just down to personal choice. Simples !!! :cool:
  8. Looking for a 6S 64g unlocked if anyones uprading.
    Cheers Kf.
  9. Last 3 phones,
    iphone 5
    Galaxy simething
    HTC something.

    The cameras and apps get better. The phone gets harder to use. Price goes up each time.
    Serious review of needs v features v cost in ten months time.....
    Btw, use the music player via bluetooth in to car stereo and house hi_fi. itunes is bloody terrible to navigate compared to all the others.
  10. I just use Spotify so couldn't give a hoot about iTunes. I'm still running a first Gen iPad mini too that I purely use for watching films on the train. I drag and drop movie files in and don't purchase through iTunes.
  11. I feel your pain with the music app. Without unlocking the phone I'd swipe up and music player is there and it would go through the songs in alphabetical order, but now it auto shuffles and I have to unlock phone to turn it off.
    I run a windows laptop but turned it into dual boot. Win7 and OS Lion ? The mac operating system runs quicker and better on my win laptop than the original operating system it was designed for (fancy that) just goes to show how innovative the Mac OS is.
  13. What was the diagnosis at snells then @bradders ??
  14. Not due to be done over next two weeks
  15. Oh bugger, still no working bike then? :(
  16. I dropped it off as it was then only weekend I could, and am on hols next week anyway.

    Will be busy bring the other bike home and braking it this weekend!
  17. Btw apple fan, always find it works pretty well.

    I think some of us forget phones are computers, and like all computers they occasionally need a reboot to clear out the rubbish that accumulates over time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Oh well, best of luck then :upyeah:
  19. £1149 for a 256GB iPhoneX!! You have really got to want or need one in your life to shell out that kind of money on a phone. Personally I can't justify that and am more than happy with my Galaxy 7 edge, plus I like the fact that I am not a slave to iTunes and or have to spend huge increases between models simply to get more memory when most other phones facilitate the use of SD cards with similar if not better memory capacities. That and the fact that you can't really customize the phone to quite the same extent as you can an Android based device, at least not without jailbreaking it. Doubtless they will sell well as there will always be a market for the die-hard Apple fans and 'must-have-the-latest' brigade but you have to ask yourself if this is just a well marketed device that under scrutiny appears to offer little in the way of real world features that most will find indispensible. Augmented reality and Animojis being two such examples. I can see the FaceID feature being a draw and the improved features such as the camera, processing power and more intuitive iOS but little else. The rest is purely cosmetic or gimmicky IMHO. Would I buy one if I could justify the cost, probably not and although I have not had bad experiences with previous iPhones I have owned up to an including the 7, Samsung's products are never far behind, offer greater flexibility and don't require a second mortgage to own one.
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