The Sales?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Anyone going to the sales tomorrow? SWMBO is planning on being at Debenhams at meadow hell (which is 40 mins away) for 7am. And as much as I'd like a new pair of jeans and need a new pair of shoes, there's not a hope in hell of me getting out of my pit at 5.45am to go shopping.

    Who else here is as daft as my missus?
  2. Not me, lie in tomorrow. If I wanted a scrum I would go back to playing Rugby.
  3. No chance
    I got dinner to make
  4. Not just turkey sammidges then?
  5. Most of items at discounted prices are of the same price as everyday online. Anything else that is not will be online at that price in a week or so. Obvious choice then bed, beer, tv ;)
  6. Roast beef dinner
    The kids have been with their dad all day so boxing day dinner for us :)
    I have better things to do than trawl shops
  7. So do I. Marry me :tongue:
  8. I am sorry those better things is cooking? ;) Just order in and relax.
  9. Awwww go on then :-D
  10. I like cooking for my family Luca
    Proper food roasties and all :)
    Nothing more relaxing
    • Like Like x 2
  11. A sexy woman that can cook........I've hit the jackpot :upyeah:
  12. :-D
  13. No .... I think it's a real shame about shops opening Boxing Day.
    Just think today when people should be eating drinking and being Merry some can't as they have to work tomorrow .
    Maybe some would like to travel to see family but can't due to working tomorrow.

    Boxing Day used to be for me a time to visit other rellies and to go see my Dad.

    I'm not working .
    But I really do feel sorry for those who have been forced to.

    I'd like for it to go back to a 2 day holiday .

    I certainly can't begin to grasp people waiting outside next at 4am this morning:(
    But then again I am a scruffy urchin who would not know fashion if it bit me on the bum.
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  14. Mel, not saying you, many people who think that would still like to go to restaurant, stay in hotel, use public transport or taxi. Sorry but I am a firm believer that people working on Xmas should be in first instance those who's religion has nothing to do with Xmas. At the end it is religious holiday. If you need more then you ask for volunteers to full in gaps. Obviously anyone working gets pay 15x normal wage to at the end discourage employers.
  15. Hedging your bets El T :wink:
  16. Just as well I am a Jedi then. And I wish I did get 15x normal wage :eek:
  17. That is my point a huge wage multiplayer would make sure fair pay for lost family time but above would make sure 99.9% of businesses remain closed.
  18. Indeed. If you visit a restaurant etc on Christmas Day then staff should be properly reimbursed. The cost of food and drink doesn't alter so in essence if you're paying more then it should be for people's time.

    The time is now 6.35am and she left for the sales 15 mins go. And pound to a pinch of shit she'll come back with nothing.
  19. I went to debenhams last year to the sale, I wasn't too impressed and came away empty handed, they do have some bargains but not really what I want, probably will pop down there sometime though.
    I know the store manager at Next in Salisbury, he had one day off, he finished Xmas eve at 4, then spent two hours getting stuff ready for this mornings 5am start - WTF
  20. I'm sat nice and warm in my snuggle blanky drinking cafetierre coffee
    Good luck all those spending more
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