I Think I'm Back .........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JenC, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Keep strong and focused on that light at the end of the tunnel Jen. There are many great folk on here and both yourself and @jompy are included in them. Keeping active on here could well help your journey and also help all of us by bringing more normality to the forum :joy:
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  2. That's so good to hear hun xx
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  3. Yeah cheers she does that enough already :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  4. Wishing you all the very best. Just by being able to talk about it openly is a massive bonus, very brave of you but is a sure sign that you are really giving it a go. Asking for help is so difficult, and then accepting the help as offered is also difficult, but all i can say is that help does help. Keep strong and p!ease get as much strengh as you can off us lot here. Best to you.
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  5. Thanks Michel :) The guys and gals on here are great,and have been there for me right through :upyeah:
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  6. Research suggests magic mushrooms are a good antidote to depression, that and excercise, so if I may suggest a good long country walk foraging and a hot brew when you get home. GWS.
    I must add I'm not a doctor! :)
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  7. hmm, last time i took mushrooms (30years ago) i convinced myself i was having a nervous brake down. i was in a padded cell and i was never getting out.
    don't do it. :D:upyeah:
    a good friend of mine suffered real bad from depression for a log period of time when he was younger, he was hospitalized with it, he agreed to ECT therapy. he came too after the first treatment cured. he is quite possibly the funniest person i now know. he wouldn't hesitate to to go through the treatment again.
    right, where do you want me to attach these?.
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  8. I wasn't directing my medical knowledge to you Mr Finm. :)
    But the research does seem valid.
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  9. sure it is, everybody else i know that took em seemed to be having a good time. :D:D
    deffo not for me tho.
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  10. I can recommend a couple of books by Eckhart Tolle.

    The power of now
    A new earth

    Give it a try and if it helps I can point you to a bunch of audios I have of him talking about "stuff".
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  11. Yes,I have heard of this guy and the books....only problem is I cannot concentrate on reading,which is shit ,as I love my books!!:worried: Thank you:heart:
  12. Nipples please (not mine before she starts)
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  13. Get another puppy!
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  14. I've also recently (now that me enhanced DBS has come back) have become a helper/volunteer for Marie Curie. This means that they match you to someone who is in the last stages of life with their illness,you become a companion for them three hours a week,every week.You support them and their families,and continue with the support even when the person has died.It'll be a tough one,but I need to see if I can do this.....as I think the more I realise how lucky I am to actually be alive,the better.
    The matching can take a while though,as apparently,I'm the first biker they've had on their books and they try to get someone who has similar interests that lives fairly local,so as you can imagine it's quite a challenge.But it's one I need to do for me.
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  15. ooof!!! No bloody chance...EBT's are like having three dogs in one! Especially since he's now going through 'puberty' and just been castrated.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. +1 for puppy. You can't beat 2 nice puppies... :p GWS
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I do like puppies when they fight under jumpers :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  18. Absolutely !! Ooh I say!! In the stylee of a 1960s bounder :upyeah:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  19. That's a brave one Jen x
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  20. I hope you feel better soon Jen, be good to see you both in Dec. If not totally understand.

    I also understand it's probably even more tricky now, with the dog too. Take care :)
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