To movie watchers (buffs) amongs us

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Has any of you watched Cloud Atlas?

    If you did can you tell me what the fuck was the righter smoking when he made the script?
    Further more what was smoked by the guy who decided yes this script will be a great movie?

    I want some of their stuff they smoked.

    Movie it self different but good if you do get it.
  2. Not that one but....

    Dragon Tattoo trilogy starts tonight and runs next three nights on Channel 4. Great adaptations of the books imo and I'm recording. Hoping its the subtitle not dubbed one; seems to work better for some reason in Swedish.
  3. i guess the studio was looking at their Matrix revenue spreadsheets when they said : "Go" :)
  4. Three great films, I've got them on DVD ;-)
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