One for the ladies......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by philoldsmobile, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. While I like to keep a tidy garden, I draw the line at back sack and crack. That's a world of no. :sly:

    It's amazing. How this thread morphed from toe nails to waxing man parts.....
  2. I find this thread hilarious! Lol I needed that laugh!
  3. I dont do waxing hurts too much

  4. One of my mates got the full pubic, sack and crack wax job, his missus said it looked like a plucked chicken !!! :eek: :biggrin:
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  5. 'one of my mates' come on Dave we're all freinds on here :wink:
  6. Nah, it wasn't me, it was a fella called Scotty Thwaites, or "Chook" as he became to be known :tongue: He thought it would make "him" look bigger :rolleyes:
  7. Had to see it done for charity at a bar I worked at ... Don't know what was more disturbing .
    He stripped down to a thong he had whipped off a girl ..

    He also had what look liked whip marks down his back !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We asked his mate and he said yeah he had a good night last night ..

    What can't be unseen
  8. Surely a girl thong would have inadequate 'accommodation' for the male physique?
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