Most Important Ducati

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Tommaso, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Multistrada isnt 'important'. Yours even less so @finm

    Race bikes are included. I forgot the Desmo.

    Its not an exhaustive list, I just added it for lazy bollox ET's benefit. Please add.
  2. I'm busy. I'm in and out of meetings all day (just about to go into one now) and I'm trying to catch up on stuff as I was away from the office on Thursday and Friday and I've had a full weekend too. So yah booh sucks!
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 3
  3. if racing was important surly they would try to win one or two no? *smug grin*.
    fuglys rock, future classic. btw.
  4. Joe Coliier won on a Ducati at the weekend.
  5. meh, BSB.
    anyhoo, the boy done good. :upyeah:
  6. doh! it's a fair cop...
    was stuck in traffic and hadn't had my coffee yet...
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  7. Up until 1971 Ducati was a manufacturer of small singles only, like many other firms. Then the 750 L-twin was introduced, and Ducati has been manufacturing of big L-twins ever since. That was the big step change, so in the history of the marque the most important model was the 1971 750GT.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Not the most important but the one I'd most like to own.....

    Supermono :heart_eyes:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. The multistrada series has saved the company, I am led too believe. Adventure touring sports bikes are the biggest selling market of bikes going.
  10. All of th
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. at this rate it would be quicker to list the ones that didn't save the company...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. at this rate it would be quicker to list the ones that didn't save the company...
  13. The answer is simples, its the Multistrada DVT from 2016, but not just any Multistrada DVT, its the exact one I have for sale in the bikes for sale section !! Easily the most important Ducati they've ever made, so you could actually own that piece of modern history for a very reasonable sum !! :grinning: :hammeroverheademoji:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. The Multi is the first Ducati I – at 6ft 4in – could contemplate owning. I was always jealous of short arses who could ride the 900SS (my choice for best-looking bike ever, let alone Best Ducati). I saw the Smart Ducati at the Barber Museum in Birmingham, Alabama, while on a bike trip to Daytona and the East Coast in March and it is very pretty. I'll dig out a photo ...
  15. When I were a lad, Ducatis were described as V-twins... and the 750GT was certainly not called an L-Twin. When were they renamed L-Twins? I know the term is more accurate in terms of angles, but as I am a traditionalist I still prefer V-Twin!
  16. I think Taglioni always described them as L-twins, but it only relatively recently got outside the factory.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. I disagree,the 851/888 bikes saved the company,started the superbike racing series and went on to power the racing/road models right up to the present date,sadly they are being superseded by 4cylinder motors for the future,the monster sold large volumes and got old air cooled engines sold to the masses

    Massimo bordi said " the best Ducati bike by far was the last 888 sp5, far better than the 916 series"he should know?
    #38 Martyducati, Sep 12, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2017
  18. @finm meant to press Agree, he just hit the wrong button right bonny lad ?? :upyeah:
  19. eh...aye. :upyeah:.
    the bike i am sure is everything you say it is. its the wordage that gave me the giggle.
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