Iphone X

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by triari, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. £1k!
    More like iPhone mug.
    How long before the first one’s dropped....
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  2. and with a glass back as well as glass front now, brilliant...
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  3. Smashing?
  4. Samsung are charging similar prices to iPhone now. New note 8 is about £900! They're all too much in my opinion, especially now that they are now given a shelf life of about 18 months until you're considered a pauper for not having the next one.
  5. This is a phone, one of these and a tablet would be a better experience than a fancy phone IMO, except for the flash twats that think a phone costing around a grand says something positive about them:

    cheap phone.PNG
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  6. It's incredible isn't it.
    My girlfriend got a phone for £15 delivered while her iPhone is being repaired. It's got a colour screen and a camera. It came with earphones and a USB to micro USB charger. I think that's amazing that someone is making that phone for the £5 or whatever they're selling it to the retailer for.
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  7. Think you are right on the IPhone 8 price, they have announced three phones, 8, 8 plus and X.
    8 & plus are on par with current prices, the X is just rude.
  8. I bet she doesn't have to carry around a battery pack and always be near charging equipment with it at all times too!

    Had a really good (Huwaii or whatever) smart phone with a decent sized screen lasted me ages through multiple drops and a good soaking, fifty quid. Got an iphone recently, it's a joke, will put it on ebay for someone who will appreciate its err umm iphone-ness I guess.
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  9. I read somewhere the X model will be a staggering £1149 !!! I personally am not a phone person, and have had no apple product for 8 or 9 years now (Long story), but what I can say is my boy has Apple stuff, and it breaks very easily, the glass covers smash, the slightesy hint of liquid, broken and yet its slower than my HTC10. My last HTC was 6 years old and was still working when I replaced it (In fact, I think comfysofa's nipper may still be using it ?) but was just feeling a little slow. I have always had android and find them to be more reliable than my Son's phones, without the horrific purchase price, or be limited to what I can do with it, cause ya tied into apple software. All of this aside, over 1000 smackers for a telephone ??? But you know how it is, there's one born every minute !!! :rolleyes:
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  10. No one is forcing you to buy one.

    Meanwhile, on a phone forum far, far away...
    "Have you seen the price of the new Ducati V4?"
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  11. No one is forcing you to read this thread either eh !?!? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. WTF does anyone want with a phone that costs more than £50 anyway? They only get used for taking silly 'selfie' photos of themselves or their dinner; or watching TV shows and films on such a small screen which will cause them to all need glasses if they don't actually go blind. Either for those reasons or for sending silly messages to each other telling people what they are doing every five minutes of the day. It's about time that the sheep woke up and realised that everything these days is directing them to peer at a screen all the time
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  13. With price rises etc. and exchange rate, doubt it is a lot more than older models like 7S 6+, Still mine is due an upgrade, but not too sure about the face recognition.
    and they state "The most durable glass ever in a smartphone, front and back. Surgical‑grade stainless steel. Wireless charging. Water and dust resistance." so durable I guess is not break proof :( I do like the fact it is bigger screen than my 6+ but smaller, but still a lot of money for just a phone that is the same as all the older phones

  14. Unfortunately Arquebus I think your right, but to fight it is just peeing against the wind in my opinion, my mate has a phone he gave £35 for new, and if he only wants to make a phone call it's absolutely perfect. But when he wanted to register as a land lord he had to borrow my bloody phone to do it. And that's only one example.
  15. Im sticking with my trusty old LG G4. I see no need to be running out for the latest and greatest, Its been dropped more times than I care to remember so until it dies a death it will be staying in my pocket... Along with the money I saved by not jumping on the latest band wagon.
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  16. It's just bloody daft though - what do people really need them for? Given that contracts can cost say; £60 a month, then add Sky at £50 a month.........that's a ludicrous £1320 a year just to talk drivel and watch drivel; to get fat as well, instead of getting out and doing something sensible.
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  17. I have an ancient pay as you go phone which I take with me if i go out on a bike.Just in case I breakdown.I have three people that I might text,but only when something important needs to be sent.Useful for getting reminders from the NHS about appt's to be attended.That is about it.
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  18. I've just changed the signature for emails from my iPhone to "Sent from my iPhone XX Plus S" so I'm ahead of the game :)

    Ps. If you want to make me an offer for it I'll consider offers over £900 which is a considerable saving over what Apple will charge when they do introduce it to the market :)
    #19 El Toro, Sep 13, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2017
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  19. I agree that £1k for a phone is going a bit too far.
    My phone does the normal (phone, text, email, photos) but it also carries my airline bording passes, acts as a GPS device, tells me where the speed cameras are, turns my bike tracker on and off and many, many other things. It's an iPhone 6, and it cost me just under £400 last year. If you only make calls then of course it's overkill, but I don't so it isn't.
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