All this rain is such a pain, but there is a silver lining: no salt on the roads, because it's all been washed away. A bit of mud and water on your pride and joy won't do much harm without salt, so you can ride out without too many corrosion worries. Do you agree?
I'd usually have all my bikes SORNed at this time of year - except the TTR which is used for green lanes and pottering about in the winter. This year however I'm still riding my SuperDuke quite happily - even though it is getting quite filthy! I'd even get my ST out if the occasion warranted it. The other bikes though - they aren't much fun in this weather - so they are off the road till better weather arrives.
The logic works for me. On more than one occasion I have gone out on a lovely winters day and met a gritter / salter coming the other way on the way home
Yep, the silver lining is definitely there but the crazy council are still out gritting if the forecast is for +5 deg overnight! Crazy waste of our money!!! Sadly got caught out by this, and left my GS for a few days, thinking it was salt free. I sadly found the salt has covered the ally Remus can with corrosion pits. It's ruined it!
As above have popped for a blast when roads seem clear and met a gritter going the other way. Bastad. Logic is sound though.
I'm not going out till the roads are dry. Not that I mind riding in the wet. In fact i quite like it. I just don't like cleaning the bike, that's all.
Our County Council have been salting, even when there is no frost & rain is forecast & then falls within a couple of hours of the gritters doing their rounds. Indeed a waste of money. However they haven't been out since last Thursday & the roads were great when I went for a ride on Sunday. Just had to take care in stretches where water was running across the road after so much heavy rain.
When its warmer, the road salt does even more damage. If the council like spending/wasting money on road salt even when it's not freezing, what can we do
It's the fear of being sued. If there was even the slightest hint of frost and someone crashed, they would get taken to the cleaners if they hadn't salted.