For Sale Can We Have A Whip Round And Put This Bike Out Of Its Misery

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Noods, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Can we do the decent thing and have a collective whip round to buy this obviously unloved, sorry, for I can barely say the word, duCATi, and give it a good send off to that place that no duCATi should ever get to see, the dreaded crusher..

    This poor humiliated once powerful, elegant beast of a CAT has been paraded for a while now on a duCATi rescue site, a sponsored site, something to do with keeping your cat's Fleas@bay I think..

    No degree of TLC is ever going to bring this one back.. her mono Posto has long since gone. But saying that there's also a hint that she might have Bi Posto tendencys too. So Mono or Bio? either way we cannot be completely sure, this CAT is confused..

    The previous owner ( or butcher) has at some stage even given it a blue rinse to try and disguise the poor things age.
    Even her tail looks sad.. this CAT has defiantly lost its purr..

    Just look at those ears... they've totally lost the sparkle they once had, which mirrored its overall grace, stance and stunning sublime beauty..

    Photoshop has obviously been used to try to tempt the unwary, but owners have not come forward, she's the unwanted one...

    This rare, pedigree, Tambarini bred, Italian CAT should be remembered for what she once was... a purrfect example of grace and agility along with lines so beautiful that it should sour the milk of those lesser breeds, mainly of far eastern stock..

    Enough is enough, surely it's time to do the humane thing and let her go..

    I'm sure you agree...

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  2. Gets much cheaper it would make a great track hack ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Omg !!!
    Someone save this DuCATi

  4. At what price would you immediately go out and buy it ? ie if it was free you wouldn't turn it down . I'd pay a grand , 2 rattle cans would double the price instantly .
  5. £1500 would be hard to walk away from.
  6. 3 peeps with 1000 each or 6 with 500. Go for a track day and share it round.
    Could have a forum bike, all chip in and make a great bike.
    At least we could save it.
  7. I know it's all about individual taste etc but I just can't believe what they've done to it...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. The biggest issue would be if they cut any bits off the frame/engine, etc. If you can just bolt the original OEM bits back on I recon I could get that looking pretty good with new Chinese fairing for about £1k. Powder coating the frame again would be the pain.
  9. I'm thinking of buying it restoring it back to a stallion in Red as it should be and then giving it to Ducbird as she's sadly without...

    Oh and getting a few of the ICF boys I know to Pay whoever committed this crime a visit and do a cut n shut job on him.. see how he likes it..
    • Love You Love You x 1
  10. There are two others listed on ebay with plates/ MOT, complete fairings, not pale blue, with exhausts and not potentially missing bits of frame, nor needing the frame repainting/ power coating for under 4K. And its not winter yet...
  11. Hence why £1500 is about right for it IMO.
  12. Cant be as bad as @finm's fugly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I'm not prone to feeling sick. This photo might make an exception to the rule.
  14. thats the bike equiv of a fiat multipla
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Suits you sir :)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Well he's blown one up and crashed the other so may as well buy one thats fucked before he even gets hold of it!

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    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. When you fellas can catch me, even as slow as I am now, you can have a go ;)
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. but twice as attractive
    but twice as attractive as some of the personalities on ere yes?.
    quick edit. forgot me smug grin *smug grin*
    #18 finm, Sep 14, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Have you seen his moosh then boots?
  20. [​IMG]
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