Most Important Ducati

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Tommaso, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. But he's right.

    In a way it is kind of brash to open a whole thread to consolidate one's own opinion of his own bike.

    Regardless of the fact that the majority considers the 916 as the best representative, by posting mine, I reduce the value of the thread to a personal thing... I feel that the question was/is a valid and general one so I'm glad to remove mine.
    #101 Tommaso, Sep 14, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
  2. Nope, the forum relies on people who love and are proud of their bikes - that's what it's all about. It's not a bad thing to show off a little amongst like minded people :):upyeah:
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  3. Tommaso, the bike looks great despite you being on it, or should that be regardless. LOL. Besides the outcome here in a fraternity of 916 fans was almost a given.

    I doubt the vast majority of people in the world would have a clue what a Ducati looked like save for it being a red motorcycle. For example years ago I bought a Mazda MX5 Miata in the USA and drove it mainly in Mexico. In both countries people had no idea what car it was, and when asked to guess they said " Porsche?" The MX5/ Miata is the best selling two seater convertible ever with over 1million sold and still most people didn't recognise it.
  4. Sorry mines most important :p!! 1198 last of the belt driven twins!!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. And here's a proper one of those :yum

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  6. is that the criteria? the one looks best an inch deep in polish hanging fom a wall? *smug grin*
    the one thats most important is the one that gives you the shits and giggles and always gets you home. you know, the one that made me want to try another. 848's are good but fuglys rock. :upyeah:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  7. I might remind you that it's been out more times than your Fugly this year o_O and never been polished in my 9 months of ownership :rolleyes:
  8. cant argue with that. only 400mls year and that in the last two weeks. more this weekend. :upyeah:. and i cant deny its had more tyres than washes. but its always got me home and made me want to try another. future classic btw.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. brw o_O
  10. exactly. brw. :upyeah:
  11. I lived in Japan for 17 years until last March. There political correctness simply does not exist and (extremely) strong national and individual sentiments are considered natural. When I arrived in Italy and expressed my views openly, I lost all my all friends (happy for it, now, in retrospective) and on Italian forums, I was ostracized and threatened in private to be expelled.

    In Italy there are criminal laws against publicly expressing opinions that can "hurt"... a new, additional, law was passed on Monday! All this atmosphere induces and encourages an environment whereby you're not allowed to offend the feelings of other members in the community. Italy has gone nuts!

    So I was treading lightly here too: I didn't know if who commented my posts was a mod or not and I didn't know if it was a veiled warning, hence my conciliatory replies.

    I guess that Brexit did a lot of good to you lot and isolated you from Europe's pc: you seem to draw the line way more sensibly.

    Thank God for that.

    Bythe way, who are the mods?
    #111 Tommaso, Sep 15, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
  12. It's white!!!!
    • WTF WTF x 1

  13. Oh you would soon find out who the mod is he would delete your post after sending you a message wouldn't you @El Toro

    Love the pics by the way
  14. Those are not my racing pics, as you can see (mirrors and other details)... just a demo bike test.

    But I used to race as an amateur: F3 cars (1987, Maglioli Racing team) and then bikes in the Japanese equivalent of supersport (2000, Ducati privateer, 748). I'll look for pics but I don't know in which box they ended up during my move.
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  15. I went through that phase too... Excellent bike. So much easier to get better lap times on that one than with the 998R or D16. On a 2:16 lap I could shave off a full 2 seconds after a few warm up laps.

    But still does not epitomize Ducati as well as the 998R

    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. dont stress, british humor pretty easygoing, poking fun at each other is what we do. it is a bit like the countryside to be honest tho, warm,welcoming,a nice place to be.
    but the stench of manure can be a little overwhelming at times. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I studied and lived in the UK for 6 years (I got expelled from 2 schools in England and one in Elgin, Scotland) so I know well and appreciate your humour. Your academic teaching community appreciates mine a bit less... LOL :p:p:p

    I was just gauging my words for the reasons that I mentioned.
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  18. So we agreed that a red 916-998 is the epitome of Ducati. The quintessence of the brand.

    Which is the Ducati that better evokes it's racing heritage?

    To me, again, Foggy's bike.
  19. Nothing has changed here since the Brexit vote apart from one or two sad little soles who are scared and easily bullied by Junker. No political correctness here unless you upset Hell Toro. I met him the other day at a local bike meet just as my bike clocked 6666 miles, he is pure evil, but ok with it :)
  20. Ahem!
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