Dealer Service Recommendation - West Midlands

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by eclipse, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Hey all,

    My 959 is due for a service - I've passed the 12 month since it's run in, although no where near the 7500 miles.

    That being the case I wonder if anyone could recommend a dealer in the West Midlands? I've contacted Ducati Wolves and put a placeholder in for next week, but thought I'd canvas opinion as their reviews aren't glowing. Also, £230 + vat and potential brake fluid change at £39 would push it over £300, which seems a lot (I thought, but could be wrong).

    For info, the bike has done 3800 miles and it's been 14 months since it last had it's service and I'd obviously like to keep the service book stamped with at least approved Ducati places.

  2. JHP Coventry.
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  3. Or Cornerspeed
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. I've never ha my bike serviced at Cornerspeed, but when I need to know something I always ring Neil. Ducati Nottingham and Stoke both recommended Cornerspeed to me when they couldn't answer questions about parts compatibility etc. So I ask questions and buy parts.
  5. I don't get why ducati servicing is so expensive!! An oil filter is about £15, oil £60 max. Not really much more to do at that mileage. OK I understand it's labour intensive when doing valve clearances ect but I do think ducati services are over priced.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Buy a Honda then !!!!!!
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. I got one!
  8. Okay,buy me one then.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I haven't got a Honda, I'll have one - but a nice one please (there aren't many) :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It's booked in at Wolves Ducati next Wednesday so I'll see how I find them and report back! :)
  11. I live within 20 minutes of Ducati Wolves, I get Nelly@ Cornerspeed to come and pick my 998 for servicing. Just saying.
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    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Now that's a game changer, thanks for that info. I shall give Cornerspeed a bell and see what's what.
  13. Had my Multi done last month....£248 for an annual oil service on a 1 year old bike ?? Had my Mrs little Golf GTi done a week later at £120, also a year old oil service. Where the feck do Ducati get off charging 2 hours at 80 quid an hour to change oil ?? :mad:
  14. Think yourself lucky, I just got ass fucked for £340 for my 1299 1st annual service, I did query it and told it was the fixed price service cost,think it's time I gave Cornerspeed a try, never herd a bad thing said about the place.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. That is fucking obscene, how did they justify it? How many hours etc? I'd be Fuckin livid at that, Ducati service sucks!!
  16. I've got no axe to grind but I suggest you search threads for reports of any dealers service records.
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  17. My mistake £330 not £340,3 hours labour, oil and filter and a washer.its left a very bitter taste in my mouth, previous panigale and multi I have never paid more than £230.I will be selling pani and jumping ship soon as I refuse to pay that kind of money for a oil and filter change.
  18. 3 fecking hours for an oil change ?? Did they suck it out the oil filler hole using a 5ml syringe ?? 250 left a bitter taste for me, 330 is just a piss take for an oil change !!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Think you will be amazed at the difference...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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