I remember seeing a lad in Middlesbrough baths with a pair of green and red horizontal striped knitted trunks. Hilarious when he came out of the water
Well well. I too learned to drive in a Morris Minor Traveller. In the '50s my dad had a 1936 Vauxhall which had been in a heavy shunt during the war, with the result that the wheels could not be aligned and the steering was a bit crabwise. Then in 1960 MOTs came in and all those kinds of vehicles failed the test and had to be scrapped. There were a lot of them - including dad's - where the owners complained bitterly how unfair this was.
I learned to drive in a Ford Anglia and briefly a Mini 1275 GT with bent steering and shot suspension, until my brother crashed it on the way back from the pub. I passed my test in a 1965 MK2 Morris 1100 and tore the subframe off it rousting it round a grassy picnic site one Sunday afternoon trying to keep up with a mate in a Dolomite Sprint.
Tell me about it, I also feel that boys pain, to this day 60 years later. I didn't know wool could stretch that far
My first single bought from Strawberry Fields In Rickmansworth - Got in the back of my dads Wartburg (always traveled in the boot) and snapped it in half - bust into tears and had to go back and get another