...we've had worst so what's best you got? This made me piss myself after a few beers, and will be going on my bike...
My new back protector and motorcycling training books to hopefully help me become an instructor :smile:
isnt it Manuary first? (i'm sure this has been mentioned before) The month of January, whereby men partake in a month long celebration of masculinity with activities enshrining masculinity: Unadulterated violence, booze, meat, and chivalry. The growing of Facial hair in a full out bearded style, to represent the rejection of aesthetics. The consumption of meat and/or beer (bonus points for both) with/as every meal. The masculine duty of protecting women in need. Partaking/instigating fist fights with those who are deemed combat able. Combatants include: Douche bags, consenting MEN, and Douche bags. No hair pulling, biting, or other feminine behaviours are acceptable. Other masculine behaviour. All acts must be witnessed by fellow MEN partaking in MANUARY.