Custom Painted Lids

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by carson, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. Hi guys,
    Got my new lid delivered a few days ago and really pleased with the work done by Andy at Airbrush Antics in Edinburgh. If anyone's looking for a custom painted lid I'd highly recommend him.

    I've gone for a replica of the lid Vinales wore at Qatar this year.

    20170918_180818.jpg 20170918_180818.jpg 20170918_180826.jpg 20170918_180847.jpg
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  2. That looks really smart Mr. Carson! How long was the lid away for, and dare I ask what the damage was?
  3. Not sure if it's only me being OCD but that does not look very good.
    No hard feelings.

    Screen Shot 2017-09-22 at 14.10.04.png
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  4. He had it quite a while mate, but that was because he broke his hand halfway through the job. Cost me £350...
  5. I am wondering if your comment was really necessary?
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  6. £350 just for the paint job ?? :gulpemoji: :eek:
  7. Looks great but not cheap eh? I like the Mexicano bit the most.
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  8. Yeah mate, was a load of work involved and the artwork on the back is all hand painted

    I love it mate
    #8 carson, Sep 22, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2017
  9. Yeah I was into having this but the cost of it was just too high for me. 350 is about the going rate from the various people I spoke to, although clearly varies on design complexity.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I initially wondered the same but i think it is a valid comment on the quality of the job as opposed to a criticism of the design which is just personal taste .
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  11. It was indeed about the quality here and there.
    Honestly if i will pay anything close to what it was paid then for sure that is not accepteble.
    As for a design, yes it looks good and i guess it wasn't easy.
    Also as i said no hard fealings, it's just my ocd issue.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I’m the same. Wouldn’t be able to get it out of my head.
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  13. Fukken wank Rob. Get an AGV..... and get back to work, lazy bassah....
  14. AGV helmets are for helmets
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  15. I guess that's alright then
  16. Rossi is a helmet.....
  17. Rossi likes helmet!!! :p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. 'In the head'?? :thinkingface:

    Helmets are supposed to be worn on the head, no?? :p
  19. Crap, knew I was doing it wrong :thinkingface:
  20. Why not, it clearly has some blemishes that given the cost should not be there. We share reviews, positives and negatives on pretty much everything else we buy on here for our bikes and ourselves.

    I doubt it was meant directly at the member themselves but more at the person paid to do the work, was that the best they could do given the huge money spent by a member.

    If Carson is happy with it then that is all that matters.
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