Custom Painted Lids

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by carson, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. The design is personal preference I quite like it. If you are happy with, happy days.

    I like a few it would seem would probably have to take it back just to get that area sorted, no big deal.
    Everyone is different. If I paid proper money for it, I'd find that needed addressing. It would niggle.

    I'm going to message one of the drivers I've raced, ask him who did his and what he paid. I know a well financed racer used the same company. I don't think £350 sounds too much for what skill and effort goes into them.

    I've seen plenty of air brushed lids in the paddock. They looked 100%, maybe some have been sent back.
  2. I don't get the whole painted lid thing at all ?? It is as several folk pointed out, a personal thing, so I'm not having a go at the OP, just the painting ya lid thing in general. It would also, just make me paranoid about sitting it down, or leaving on my bike seat etc, if my Shoei gets the odd scuff or scratch etc, its no big deal, but after a £350 paint job, I'd be mortified if I got it marked. I don't really understand why you'd do it ??
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I do like painted lids, I've spend myself £700 on AGV Iannone one and love it to bits. It's like with all customised items you don't really care how much it costs as long as you can afford it, you just want it and then have it. It will be quite boring with every bike, leathers, lids being the same, so i'm with others on spending some money or customising lids etc. but it's just the bad paintwork here and there that let me made the comment i did, i think the person who did it should of correct it before handing over the lid to his customer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. rossi helped develop my pista gp helmet. (just for me, probably)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. same reason you want a ducati and not a suzuki?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Buy they are not ?? There are a bazillion different designs out there before shelling out mahoosive extra dough on your own....Just sayin :cool:
  7. No mate, not true, I'm not a Ducati loyal, and if the Suzuki version of the Multi was as good or better, I'd buy it. The simple fact is the Ducati version of the adv/sport market is still the one that rides the best (IMO), but if any other company bring out a better bike, then I'm on it :upyeah:
  8. sorry, I should have put panigale :)
  9. I dont want a Panigale o_O
  10. i knew there was something odd about you :):motorcycleduc:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. You can't take a penny of it with you Wayne, but then again I can't see the point of buying coloured helmets in the first place, especially when single coloured are so much cheaper cheaper.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Personally because I like it - buy it for me :)

    End of
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Mate, believe me I spend it !! In the pub now getting rid of a fair amount. :):beer: Horses for courses I guess eh.
    #33 Wayne58, Sep 23, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2017
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  14. Really? With the heavy black outlines it looks to me like someone was learning to use an airbrush. It is the same principle used for preparing the design for out of date screen printing, like what used to be used on tee-shirts (and still is by some producers).
  15. Brand awareness in racing...

    I don't think I'd have a custom painted lid for the road because I'm a tight...

    I must admit. I bought an off the shelf Arai I liked... because it had a few things on it that I can relate to, chequed flag, British flag etc. I nearly got my race lid painted similar.

    Then I saw two people at the local cafe with the same lid... 3 of us in the same place. A common lid that has a design on, grrrrr.... It's like wearing the same dress, matching track suits. I don't think they were wearing those Polite biker his vis vests but still made me feel like a train spotter. They didn't look like sports bike riders either.. What has become of me. I've not been out since.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. The wife is more than heavily hinting that Santa has granted my wish. I’ve got this beauty coming for Christmas...
    Love a loud helmet and love that Mexicana but on the back.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Chav!! :p
    • Thanks Thanks x 1

  18. Inspired by meow meow, or something stronger :dizzy:
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