Can This Be Worth This Much!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by mike1350, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. He's always been very expensive.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. salesman.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. It says concourse condition......Not with the swirls shown in one of the pictures. Clean, yes. Concourse, No.
  4. It actually a sure fire investment - in 10 years or more it will likely be worth that, so in 20 you will be into profit :)

    Someone try and get a quote off him to buy one off you and see what he offers!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. A market does seem to have developed for people that have more money than sense. Unfortunately it drives up prices for the rest of us. Unless you have one to sell that is.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. He's always at least 10K overpriced generally. Across the board.
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  7. Says 'Reserved' so I guess someone's put a deposit on it? Not that I'm in the market for a 35K 888, Falappa's race bike was well over 10K less a year or two ago...

  8. I'd only buy a bike to use so concours would be wasted on me. I'd rather have more machinery for less money anyway.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. I seriously doubt that there are only 5 in the country. Wassy has no 192 and i have no 143
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  10. I clocked that yesterday.
    The last SP5 for sale ive found was in Made in Italy for £19K
    That sold but I thought that was way way over priced.
    If that SP5 sold at anywhere near that price then it only went to someone who has zero idea of the value of them or what they are buying.
    I bet it's put there to get people talking as I has done.
    Half that is more realistic .

    In fact they can sell my 1098R for me if I'm wrong and i'll go on a nice holiday as a result !!!!
  11. It's probably not reserved at all but more likely done to imply there's actually interested parties at that price, which there probably isn't

    However by only putting 'reserved' on it, it means he can tell all you lucky buyers it's not sold yet so get calling just in case 'pretend buyer' pulls out.

    Furthermore because he's created a false illusion of it being very sought after then you don't get to haggle too much either and pay as near ticket price as possible.

    Old school salesman trick and easy to see through

    He'll have been watching page views and unique visits, realised things may need a nudge.

    You'd be mad spending that much on that
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. I've seen some of their bikes end up in auctions If they don't sell, they had a 750GT for sale for over 12 months, ended up in a specialist classic car dealer down in Kent and sold for about £3k less than original price.

    Wassy is right, £17k tops....
  13. I wouldn't buy a cup of tea from that shop. It'd cost £20 and extra for the sugar.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. It would be very rare tea, and served in a *really* clean cup with a limited edition spoon though...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. God loves a chancer, I have a Raleigh Grifter for sale for £25 grand
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. you're not getting right...

    ITYM "I have a rare opportunity to own a stunning, rare example of a much sought after 1970s classic. No others known to be available at this time, possibly the only one still operational in the country. Subject to the Barber Museum having first refusal, this iconic piece will be available for £25000"
    (I'll take 5% for the copywriting... ;) )
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Sure it's a very big price but they will negotiate on money although probably not by very much.
    Friend of mine sold them a few of his bikes quite recently and was more than happy with how much he got, found them very good to deal with and got paid extremely prompt once figure was agreed and they collected quickly as well. All in all a good deal just as they ask top money they also paid top money with no messing around.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Only 20quid? Are you bringing your own cup?
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