851 Tank Filler Ring

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by SP4S, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. filler cap 1.jpg filler cap 2.jpg Hello All,

    Advice needed re filler cap ring. I have a new tank which my mate (restoring my bike) is putting together, he has noticed the new tank is completely accessory free and doesn't have anything to attache the filler cap to.

    My question is can the one from my old tank be removed safely (he doesnt seem to think so) and used again?

    Failing that, does anyone have a spare they can sell me? or know where i may be able to get a new one.

  2. They look the same to me except the new one is painted over the lip of the aperture. The filler cap assembly fits into the aperture with an o-ring seal and is held in by a number of grub screws around the perimeter. I'm sure it will fit.
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  3. Derek/Mick

    Thanks for your replies, i dont have the tank in front of so just relaying messages from my mate.
    This is what he asked me:

    'Petrol cap surround on the old tank screwed into a tapped ring, New tank doesn’t have that ring, Can the ring/mount be removed from the old tank or do we need a different style of filler cap surround?

  4. Hmm. It does sound different.
  5. Your original tank was earlier type 89-91 and the new one is 92 on which had an alloy flange held in place by grub screws and the filler cap attached to that, same setup as 750/900ss 91 onwards
  6. Looking at the pictures again and see that the top picture has a similar arrangement to my 907ie where the filler flange is held to the tank with 8 countersunk screws.
    The bottom picture shows an aperture where the filler cap is held in as I described in my first post. The fitting changed during the production of the 851 and the 2nd one seems to be the same as that used on the carbed 900SS.
  7. The ring/mount is fixed with 8 grub screws to the neck of the tank. There is a large green O ring around it underneath. The ring can be eased off and re used, although you might want a new O ring. The cap surround shows 6 screws but is only fixed by 3 to the ring. This only applies to the second tank.
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  8. tank 1.jpg Yes, my bike is a 1990 model on a G plate, so early, but the new tank is def an 851 tank, here is a pic with the tank on, while im at it i also need a new battery, what is the model no? may buy an Odyssey item or whatever works well on the 851
    #9 SP4S, Sep 25, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
  9. Inda, on my '89 851, SP4, 996R and 851/996, I've used Yuasa YT12B-BS. Lighter than the standard battery and with good cranking power.
  10. Thanks Mick,

    I remember threads on the 851/888 forum about the Odyssey batteries, Steve in particular swears by them, like you i use my bikes and hate it when cheap batteries go flat in the cold. They are not cheap, the PC 545 is over £100.

  11. I had a PC 680 on the SP4. It weighed a ton but turned the bike over well. Lasted about 6/7 years and now I use the Yuasa. I use the bikes regularly and keep them on trickle when not in use.
  12. Just spoke to my mate. The filler cap and fitting on old tank is not compatible with new tank.

    Will need new whole one. The link you sent earlier, do they still supply?

    Does anyone have one lying about?
  13. The eagle eyed amongst you haven't commented on the fact I don't have the original Marzochhi front forks.
    We decided while rebuilding it to go with something better suited. I still have the originals somewhere, but they were rubbish.
    I had two sets of spare wheels, one set in white, which I'm unlikely to use due to how difficult they are to clean. So sticking with the black set for now.
  14. I had the '89 M1R s set up by Maxtons. Wasn't cheap but big improvement.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Yeah,maxton set mine up and I'm very happy with the way they work now,( I kept the original internals,but won't refit them!) I prefer to keep the bike looking the way it left the factory,the MIR forks are very desireable now!

    That second tank(the one with the raised lip) is different from my 89 G reg 851, mine is alloy and. Has a insert like a cone/funnel between the filler and tank! Far easier to work at than the newer model with the o ring and seal!
  16. Not sure if mine were beyond repair and we disposed of them. Will source a set and keep them as spares.
  17. Doing some more digging about. Been sent diagram by a mate. Appears I need items 12,13,14 and 15.

    My current filler cap is not lockable
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