Exclusive Pics: New V4 Panigale Successor!! In-moto Magazine

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Topolino, Jun 23, 2017.

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  1. Fair point.

    Better the wsbk race team would prefer a double sided swinger too. They have been asking for one for years.
  2. it is a panigale! :)
  3. dovis bike would look pants without the paint job, panigale is stunning. End of next story ;)
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  4. Any bike looks pants after I've had it for five minutes anyway mate.

    Just gimme Dovi's bike ok? I mean DOVI'S bike... :cool:
  5. 21458044_10156099005580769_6579875720207437078_o.jpg
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I agree with this. There's a lot of talk on the US forum complaining about it not being a completely fresh design, even from TJ99 who was the Panigale project manager, but the Panigale is a beautiful machine and it looks like this one is going to be a good evolution of that despite the first leaked photos not looking that great. It looks amazing in the Stoner shots in MCN this week, far better than the leaked workshop photos.
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  7. TJ99 confirmed the leaked workshop (developmental department in the factory) photos are the real McCoy, however the bodywork may not be the final version that will be on the production bikes. Some of the mechnical aspects of the bike also appear to be quite clumsy, such as the way the rear subframe bolts to the bike, which is not the most elegant solution. I think we all agree that from certain angles namely the front and back it's not half bad. It's the rather clumsy un-imaginative Supersport-esque, plastic snail-trails that extend back over the tank, that marr the whole design and the overall VFR feel it seems to have reminded many people of. Difficult to package a much larger engine dimensionally into a dress that's designed for a size 10. We'll see if they've achieved it in a few weeks time, or if it ends up as mutton dressed as lamb....Fatigale indeed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Soon people will be asking ‘is that a Kardashian’s mister?’ (Size 14 squeezes into a 10 ;)
  9. Yup!

    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 2
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  10. V4 Fatigale...this is definitely the base model as it's not sporting any Ohlins gold leggings. Quattro Stagione or Margherita suspension I fear.
  11. WTF!!! I bet she does a great rendition of "If you think I'm sexy"...

    Jeez, nearly puked o_O :cold_sweat: :skull:
  12. "It’s believed that there have been big steps forward in terms of the package works under both acceleration and braking. MCN understands that the new Stradale engine has been used at almost every GP development test for the last 12 months alongside the racebike, and that the road bike team has been working in tandem with the Corse race division on the new V4. This really is promised to be a street legal, productionised GP engine."
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  13. You know that’s a bloke, right?!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Perhaps it should have looked like this:

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  15. From this recent pic of the front end, I was musing (bored) over the panels on the V4 and where the joins are in relation to each other. Accepting that we still cant see the side on this bike and that they are the same as the factory spy pics with the snail trail sections going back over the tank as one piece, upper fairings (shown in yellow) are going to be very large and complex mouldings which in the event of an off = molto expensive to repair/replace. Mercifully, the nose fairing is a lot less cumbersome as are the lower fairings. Interestingly there appears to be a carbon fibre inner section to the radiator shroud (inboard of the yellow section), though its not easy to see whether or not the whole fairing on this bike is CF. However in the second picture though not helped by the bloody great bi MCN watermark, it looks as though the snail trial is not there and the fairing meets up with the lower line of the tank, though I could be talking total bollocks, Either way, the way the upper side fairing forms the vent aperture around the lights is unusual.


    #616 Topolino, Sep 28, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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  16. It's easier to see from this image (assuming we are stuck with the snail trails), just how large and complex the (yellow) upper side fairing is. I believe the inner orange section will be the eqivalent of the electronic holders on the current Panigale, which house/hide all the electrickery. The purple area is a one piece plastic trim panel from the look of the photo. The nose fairing is much simplified.

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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  17. Could be a good thing I suppose as the nose fairings are very expensive with the current generation.
  18. 29D533B6-AC20-488B-AC1E-D38D9BF94A9F.jpeg

    If it looks like this all is forgiven.
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  19. I too think those MCN pics look the dogs! :upyeah:
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