I really genuinely think the avatar has large nipples rather than micro balls so Loz Mooooos more nice? no gender determination, just soft Mooo, and the other one has a hard "let me jam my horn up the bears arse Moo?" my nondiscriminatory answer is a "soft but dangerous moo" the boss Toro got sex appeal? Loz? dont do that ever see a bull sit on a girl? need some funny ratings, get my score up, want to be an administrator
Sorry, I seem to be lost. I was looking for planet earth. Can anyone around here point me in that direction?
Wow, that's generous towards a kiwi, you being an Ozzie and all that, chiz. Don't you do it. Don't you dare.
Have you not considered carefully tearing your Desmoquattro Guide in half? That's one Desmodue for you, and one you can sell. I shouldn't have to explain this stuff to you, Elise.