surprised he can find he time to rub anything else. quite a corrosive habit you got going on there. once i get yer address i will mind and wear my wellies.
OK, OK. we all know Rupert Holmes, he of the "Piña Colada" song but I submit, you actually do not know Rupert Holmes - not at all. Exhibit A: Exhibit B, a song written by Rupert Holmes: I hope no illusions have been shattered here (I'm lying about that : o ) )
"You WILL respect my individuality! And part of that respect is to swallow that little bit of vomit that came up in your mouth!".
Silly chiz, cyclists do not belong on the roads. Pavements or cycle paths preferably, if they are available. Definitely NOT on the roads. The sooner they change that daft law, the better.