Hope some of us have learned something from 2012. Here's one: if you're having a party, it's getting late and you want guests to leave, just get Paul McCartney to sing Hey Jude - that'll empty the place in no time.
Don't over do it at work and make yourself Ill doing stupid hours. 851 and racing are no more (see above)
I'll remember it as the year that the Government that I've worked for for most of my adult life screwed me over. It's nice to know what they think of you when the chips are down. So much for my future plans and early retirement etc etc. Wankers.
Many many years ago as a young pup, I noticed the 1%/13 badge/patch as worn by angels and those of similar ilk at the time and was curious as to its origin/meaning. I'd heard all sorts of stories over the years but the one that stood with the most credibility was the one that suggested it meant that 13 per cent of the land mass in this country is owned by the 'top' one per cent of the population. All very fine and dandy if your affiliations are of that order, if not, then like the other 99 per cent of us, you have no business deluding yourself that they should 'care' about you. They don't. Not surprisingly, I believe the number is higher these days.
In 2011 I believed that Americans were full of shit. In 2012 I found out they truly were full of shit.
If there's one thing I've learn't from 2012 is older and wiser is not always the case.in 2013 I plan to listen more to friends and family who generally have your best interests at heart.in 2012 I found out who my true friends are and plan to be a lot more careful about who or if I ever get involved with women again.nothing wrong with a good woman I just seem to keep picking the wrong ones.
I learnt that tests have proven that men perform 14 percent more poorly on mental tasks when they think that a woman is watching them - when they know its even higher :wink:
Same here. Not the government but another bunch. Worked sixty hour weeks for four years and then got my cards whilst on paternity leave. What did I learn, be yourself always and if it smells fishy it probably is!
What have I learned in 2012 - on the boring side, a load of stuff about personal finance, taxation, investments, pensions etc. and have passed various exams on the above mentioned. On the less serious side, that headbanging to a rock covers band while wearing a strappy sundress is unwise, given the likelihood of "wardrobe malfunction" (another term for Stressed Hippo's euphemisms thread), which is even worse in this day and age of camera phones!
The country is run by elites for elites. It always has been and always will be, irrespective of the colour of the government of the day.
Dont buy a second ducati before you sell your one you have. As you wont want to sell "the other one" and you will get pelters from the wife about it