What To Wear For A Quick Spin

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by RC1, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. it's as far as you can get with the fuel in the float bowls. the crash usually happens when you try to turn the tap on...
  2. It’s more likely because a local ride is very familiar, it’s easy to underestimate risk and concentration can be wandering
  3. I wonder how much is showing off or just plain complacency for accidents close to home. Never shit on your own doorstep is my mantra, hence I pootle out of my town. The last thing I want is to draw attention to myself where I live. But we all have moments of stupidity or occasionally get caught up in other people moments. Fortunately I adhere to getting my tyres warmed before spanking my bikes, so i'll generally play it cool for the 1st 15mins or so. By then I am well away from home. Plus theres no way I'd do anything other than 25-30mph round my way. Roads are too narrow, too many turnings, schools, shops, kids.

    Theres a guy with a fireblade who lives round my way that will die very soon. Ive nearly had him over the bonnet of my car myself as he exits the a22 onto godstone road at 60++, he survived because I did a lifesaver 2nd check and left him room to go round my front as I turned out my work road. That could so easily have been his end, and for what? Sure the A22 is 60mph, but the turn off is 30mph. He was easily doing 70ish. Plus theres a primary school there.

    Never speed in towns and villages. In between? Meh, do your thing within reason and as conditions and circumstance allow. Thats the safest option for those of us who have seriously quick road bikes. Thats why I like my 1299, it will do 20mph no bother.

    I guess if I had a slower, sit up bike or an old classic I'd consider jeans and temper my pace accordingly, but I just do not feel safe in anything other than full good quality leathers and back protection.
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  4. sounds like my bro in law right down to the blade. but, he is still going, 30+years of riding like a twat, full bore until no more, seems to be his motto.
  5. Yeah..Not tucked in is so much coolerer :cool:.........until you catch the leg bottom on the peg when putting your foot down to stop... and end up in a heap on your side. Then it's not so cool :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. so i checked my spidi h2out textile jobby that i bought from gumtree and alas it just has these clippy things rather than a full length zip. my thinking was that i could get some leather trousers and zip them to the jacket for my preferred hybrid solution without braces

    guess its leather trousers with braces then or jeans
  7. "leather trousers with braces"
    lederhosen? ;)
  8. A lot of trousers come with both parts of the zip so you could see into the jacket
  9. Wear the f'ing lot!
    Being hit by a car f*cking hurts!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. I bet that helmet hasn't got an ACU gold star...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. imagine a lifesaver with that lot
  12. Kevlar combats/jeans and an armoured leather jacket for the commute.

    Full leathers for anything more than that.

    All of which counts for fuck all when every second driver is on their phone trying to send a bloody text. Dianese wont stop a Discovery...
  13. I always wear full leathers and helmet/gloves/boots when I drive my Discovery.........Need to protect myself from those bloody Bikers when they come in through the windscreen :punch:
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. Whilst wearing a pair of flares back in the day on a Suzuki, I went to put my foot down only to discover the kickstart had gone up my trouser leg.
    My mates pissed themselves o_O
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. 11/10 on the Coolometer :upyeah:
  16. Done that :D
  17. Did you have an audience ?
    My so called mates are still laughing about it 40 years later :tired_face:
  18. I was wearing Kevlar jeans, bike boots , bike gloves and a gortex armoured jacket when some nob head in full racing leathers told me that I wasn’t well enough protected , he went on to say that his leathers has saved him from breaking his leg, so I offered to go home and get my sledgehammer to check out how protected his legs were in his new leathers, but he turned the offer down , I’m all for wearing decent biking gear but honestly some people seem to think it has magical properties!, the truth is if you hit something solid with any force your bones will probably break, they are only designed to withstand impacts at running speed, maybe after a few more million years of evolution it’ll be different :)
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