As title Hanger is off a 749/999 and pegs to suit. Pegs should fit most eccentric type rearsets of most 748-998 749-999 £40 for the hanger and peg £20 each for the pegs all posted
@Tommy B Thanks for the sending the pegs and hangar which I received today. I wanted to draw your attention the footpeg hanger that I'd enquired about in this For Sale thread, it is indeed bent, very bent in fact. I've placed it next to a straight hangar for comparison (unfortunately it's difficult to photograph well in the evening light), it may not be obvious from the photos but the hanger is bent in at least two planes and is twisted - ie the upper and lower frame mounts are no longer on the same plane and are at different angles to each other. You can clearly see how out-of-alignment the gear lever mount is relative to the straight hangar. I've also used a jack lead connector to highlight the obvious stress and compression deformation in the structure of the alloy, about which the main bending motions would have occurred. I've also included a photo of all the parts as-received (if any is wondering, I paid extra for the two 'gear change pegs' shown at the front of the photo). Could you please have a look at the following photos and comment? Thank you.