Facial hair? Joe Cool or Joe Fool?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Full luxuriant beard

    1 vote(s)
  2. Full beard but trimmed

    7 vote(s)
  3. Goatee

    10 vote(s)
  4. Soul patch

    0 vote(s)
  5. Moustache

    2 vote(s)
  6. Moustache and soul patch/Van Dyke

    0 vote(s)
  7. 5 o'clock shadow

    17 vote(s)
  1. :wink:
  2. Just come over all hot & bothered
  3. I shaved for the whole time i was in the Army, graduated to a "Tash" some time ago(not sure when) and kept it, then during leave i would grow a Gotee and have done so since i left last year, it is not a fashion statement, it is just me, (as i have no concept of fashion i just don't get it! )
  4. That's not his name is it? :eek:
  5. It is in fact my name but you have spelled it wrong. I'm French and it is spelled Hotan D'Bothered.........................................I'll get me coat!!:biggrin:
  6. I wasn't planning on asking
    • Like Like x 1
  7. tart :biggrin:
  8. :) I'm joining you
  9. He doesn't need a name only groan
  10. Have we met ?
  11. Only in your dreams :tongue:
  12. Misses hates beards. I can usually get away without shaving for a few days.
  13. The right beard rocks!!!
    View attachment 9530
    And so does Marco Hietela!

    Used to hate them as had a teacher who used to not look after his and had a weeks worth of old food in it.

    One day he got lice in it ... Kidding you not you could see them..
    Even parents noticed.

    Put me right off:(

    But now I know that was because he was a lazy dirty .....eegit .

    Now I love having a tug on them,
    Plaiting them and like the tickly ness :)
    Thumbs up for me ..
    As long as looked after.
  14. I like my men clean shaven, but I can put up with a goatee or a short trimmed beard.
    I hate moustaches on their own though!
  15. It's more sexy watching a man shave than seeing a woman walking round with stubble rash! Facial hair is as offensive as an overgrown lady garden!! I like smooth and can manage a day or two growth any more than that and I'm stood with razor and shaving foam giving the "bathroom now" look! As for men's sack and crack get it trimmed nowt worse than pulling pubes out your mouth when giving a good blow job! #justbeinghonestcozimadirtybitch
  16. Yup get it shaved , makes it look pornstar hooooge ......... No probs with mine now I can still see it wheni look down , hung like a flask ...... Ladies lose the fuzz , licking a doormat ain't fun !!!!
  17. But slapping noises kind of put the concentration/rhythm off a tad. A well kept garden is best of both worlds.
  18. A shaved woman makes me feel like a paedophile :frown:
  19. I thought all norven men had 'taches.

    All those sculpted and styled beards/goatees/sideburns make the wearer look a tool.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. :frown:
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