British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Hopefully the EU will continue with their unreasonable demands and intransigence, trying to force the UK into a position that is impossible to accept. I, like many others see a free trade deal as the best outcome for both parties, but it's plain to see that the EU do not want this now. We are wasting time and need to get on with the business of preparing for WTO rules in 2019, giving everyone the clarity they need.
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  2. What benefits are there to membership?
    Because for the life of me I can't see any.
    The UK government chose,(quite rightly,when you consider the current state of affairs),to stay outside the Schengen area,I still have to stop and show my passport whenever I go out or come back to the UK.
    Every other country outside the EU can and does trade with the EU under WTO rules,which prohibit the imposition of extortionate tariffs.In fact on many goods,(e.g green coffee beans ,to use JRM's example),there are no tariffs,even though WTO rules apply.
    We cooperated with European countries on defence long before we joined the EC,(in fact went to war on behalf of European countries twice in the last century),and with overseas police forces via Interpol.Worth noting that the UK shares their citizens vehicle and licensing details with European countries,while in some cases EU countries do not much for EU cooperation eh?
    You can disregard all of the scare stories about aviation,because commercial access to airspace is governed by an international body,the ICAO.The EU cannot disregard the rules,no matter what the British MSM/the shrieking harridans of HM Opposition may claim
    We are the second biggest net contributor to a club that the majority of the world is able to enter and use the facilities for virtually nothing apart from a few tariffs,tariffs which are reciprocal in most cases,And the Germans seem to sell plenty to the USA etc etc.
    It's a scam.Always has been,always will be.
    It has never been necessary apart from to the Germans and the French.
    (That's the same Germans who started two European World Wars,and the French whose cities largely remained intact while the British got the shit bombed out of them by the Germans despite never having German boots on on the UK mainland).
    Shit,if I was a conspiracy theorist I'd think that the Germans and the French cooked up the whole War,and the EC/EU, between them to destroy the most industrialised and successful economies in Europe at that time,(AND one of the greatest Empires the world has ever seen). .
    #9363 Lightning_650, Oct 20, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
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  3. We've seen even in here, Some remainers saying do the brexiteers even know what they were voting for? I wonder just how many of those remainers are even aware that no matter what happens, we will still be having a deal with the eu?

    I get the suspicion sometimes that some are under the impression that no direct deal with the eu means no trade at all. As a number of us have said, we will still deal with the eu. it's only whose terms which are being negotiated.

    I think Macron let something slip today, the figure being mentioned from the U.K. was 2 years membership so £20 billion so when Macron said we are not even halfway, I suspect he is aiming for £50 billion from us, for what? we won't be on the top table during a transition period, we will have to tell the new countries waiting till 2019 can they wait 2 years extra, we will still be liable to eu rules which could easily include them raising our budget contribution, in fact, they want us to pay around £50 billion to leave an organisation were we as the second largest contributor, have put more into the pot than at least 26 of the other members.

    Far better wto, then they will have no input in our laws or rules, we can start world trading march the 20th and we could spend that estimated £50 billion within the U.K. We certainly have a need for it.
    #9364 noobie, Oct 20, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
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  4. I'd like to quickly take this opportunity to call Juncker a wanker once again, you know, just to add a little more balance to the thread ;)

    Cheers :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. Do you know what the UKs biggest export surplus is on?
  6. the forth riech is an interesting read
  7. Oh, I know, I know!

    Is it "stupid"?
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  8. Courage? Backbone? Gravy?

    I'll get there eventually
  9. It could currently be EU citizens if you believe the left media
  10. Special Snowflakes?
  11. i know who the special snow flakes and internet warriors are. and at least one of you is a narcissist aint you nob? :p shame the management dont. i also know where the most damage will occur re brexit. and where else they plan on taking back control. anyhoo, after reading the latest from one of ours who is not in the employ of a rabid right wing press. it reminded me some of are a sad lot so ye are. a fun wee read and a wee reminder going by the polls how it looks by most.
    by by and och aye for noo.

    We’re at that phase in the Brexit talks where the EU has realised that further rebuffs of Theresa May would be very like repeatedly kicking a small and particularly dense puppy which persists in doing a pish all over a very expensive rug. Any more kicks and the puppy is likely to expire, and then the Conservative party would only go and replace it with an incontinent creature with the attention span of a goldfish and the destructive instincts of a teething rottweiler which has swallowed ten grammes of amphetamine. Hence the rest of the EU decided that the latest dinner for EU leaders was to be Theresa May’s very own pity party.
    Still, being patronised because she’s so weak and the Tory party is so hopeless made a nice change from the last time when no one wanted to talk to her. This is what constitutes progress for the UK in Brexit negotiations and heralds a whole new chapter in Britain’s brave buccaneering Brexit. We’re going to make fantastic trade deals with the rest of the world by making everyone feel sorry for us. Britain’s future can be secured if only we turn into a shambling ex-boxer who once was a contender for the title, but now is brain damaged and bankrupt. Still, look on the bright side, there’s already considerable evidence of brain damage in the Conservative cabinet and the hysterical right-wing British press. We’re halfway there already, and bankruptcy is looming too. Succexit!
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Friday that the second stage of the Brexit talks, the trade negotiations, are going to be a lot more difficult than the divorce talks. Since the supposedly easier part of the negotiations hasn’t exactly moved forward with anything you might call speed, this doesn’t bode well for the second stage if and when the EU ever agrees to move on to it. The pot plants which Theresa May stared forelornly at as she waited for the meeting to begin have more agility than the Brexit negotiations. You could tell she was pissed off. The plants get fed a diet of crap but at least they manage to look attractive. No amount of crap that Theresa feeds the British public can make Brexit look good. But at least the pot plants managed to get on the table and to sit there looking pretty, the trade talks look like they’ll never get on the table in the first place and even if they do they’re going to look very ugly.

    There’s an important lesson here for the British government and the Conservative party. If the UK replaced David Davis, Liam Fox, and Boris Johnson with a spider plant, a busy lizzie, and a knobweed, the Brexit negotiations would be considerably further forward than they currently are and then instead of threats of a hard border we could be talking about a herbaceous one. This idea isn’t as ridiculous as it might first sound as there is already a precedent. Since 2010 Scotland has had an ornamental cabbage as its Secretary of State. Although on second thoughts there’s no real need to replace Boris Johnson with a knobweed because he already does a very good impression of one. There’s no reason to replace the much touted Jacob Rees-Mogg with a plant, because he’s already a fossil. Mind you it’s not like there’s much point in offering this advice to the Tory party, because even though many people speak to plants, there’s absolutely no evidence that vegetables in the party are going to listen.

    French President Emmanuel Macron accused the turnips of the Tory party of bluffing on the question of the UK leaving the EU without any deal. Theresa May has never raised the possibility of the UK crashing out without a deal during her trips to Brussels to stare forelornly at the pot plants on the table, and he slapped down David Davis by pointedly remarking that the UK negotiator was operating under Theresa’s authority. Or at least he is for now. The problem here is that Macron fondly imagines that the UK government is halfway functional, when in fact the only reason Theresa retains a veneer of authority is because the party wants her to grasp the thorn of Brexit so she’s the one that’s poisoned by it.
    It took the EU leaders all of 90 seconds to decide that there hasn’t been sufficient progress so far, and they’ll wait until December to revisit the question of whether enough progress has been made to allow the UK to move on to the trade talks. That 90 seconds included the usual pleasantries being translated into 25 languages. The last time a decision was reached that quickly was when Reporting Scotland came across a news story about how yet another of the promises of the Better Together campaign had turned to dust and decided to broadcast something about how bad the SNP is instead followed by fifteen minutes of fitba and something about a murrdurr.
    In the meantime the EU will discuss a possible trade deal, but they won’t discuss it with the UK, they’ll just discuss it amongst themselves in the same kind of way that you make sure that a really annoying relative is no longer in the room before you start to talk about them. But it did mean that Theresa could return to London with something like a victory which will help to bolster her position against the triffids in the cabinet. She can now present them with a firm commitment from the EU that in a few months time it will consider looking at whether there’s been enough progress . And expectations are now so low that that counts as progress all by itself.
    It’s still all about the money. Reports are that the EU is insisting on something in the region of €60bn which the UK will have to cough up to settle its financial obligations to the EU before it will consider moving on to trade talks. That’s considerably more than the €20bn which Theresa May has offered, and considerably more than the red white and blue cabbages in the Tory party are prepared to countenance. They still fondly believe that the UK is the stronger party in these negotiations, but the truth is that it’s the EU which possesses the pruning shears and the weedkiller. The reality of Brexit is that Britain is going to end up with what the EU is prepared to leave us with, and that’s going to leave us much worse off than before.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  12. Can you archive it before I read it fin? Fin which face copy and pasted that story?

    The one that is anti U.K. or the one that says independence is brilliant unless the U.K. does it?
  13. What now seems certain, is that Voters in the last god knows how many UK General elections (going back decades), DIDN'T know what they were voting for. I don't recall any party standing, or saying in their manifestos that "if you give us your vote, we'll give away your democratic rights and self determination to some un-elected blokes in Brussels". "Give us your vote and we'll get so far into an experimental European federal project that it's going to be seriously painful to extract ourselves (if you the voting public ever spot the plot and call us out)". "Give us your vote and we'll give your money away to other member states/new comers to the club, at the expense of domestic living standards and wage fairness, just so they can catch up, for free and without going through the pain that we have endured to get ourselves to the "better off" condition that we in UK worked and strived for for years/generations". And yet more.....

    There's a lot been shouted about how the public were duped into Brexit with very little explanation of the consequences of leaving the EU. So just exactly when was it explained to us the consequences of the drip drip of continuous ever greater EU integration that got the UK into this situation in the first place?
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  14. Didn't read it but I just know it was funny : o D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. INDI :fist:
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