British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Oh I don't know fin, the snp suggesting they buy an oil company shortly after Nic saying she was going to ban petrol and diesel cars did give me a chuckle or pay a citizens wage as technology will take many jobs, which made me belly laugh given the last organistion to give you a flat wage just for being a citizen was ISIS.

    I do agree on media, I don't agree it's just mass media although they are the largest culprits. Today I would love to be hearing more about Catalonia, Austria, the eu's position, the fact the russian pissgate did in the end turn out to be false and concocted by Hilary's election team but instead I will listen to poor hacks describing themselves as journalists but who would sruggle to get a job in any real journalistic capacity.

    I agree in some part with J biker, it's easy to blame the press and the media but the largest problem is us. We have become as europeans, tit fed on the belief government is central and now we seem to be breaking away from that childish addiction. It is painfull for some, those who would say one minute "just what are the government doing about this, they should do something" and within the next breath say " effin government intrusion into our lives"

    We as a people want our cake and eat it but we also want to eat at Claridges whilst paying the bill in Wimpy money. No government being pulled pillow to post will ever succeed with an electorate like that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I am in Barcelona at the moment and the locals are as split here on independence as the UK is on Brexit.

    The Russians and Chinese must be pissing themselves laughing at how divided the West has become.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Haven't they been through enough already?
    • Funny Funny x 3

  4. That's true in a sense but if the choices on offer are not voted for with any enthusiasm parties will struggle to win majorities. That will concentrate minds pretty rapidly.

    I agree about the state of the media and the way it manipulates politics by interpreting and spinning the news rather than reporting it, but what is rotten there is the belief, whichever side they are on - and the vast bulk of the broadcast, print and online media is on the side of Europhilia, big-state centralism and pertetuating the stranglehold on politics by a self-important, arrogant, technocratic and authoritarian elite who believe they are in some unspecified way better qualified to do the thinking on behalf of the rest of society despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary - that there is only one correct answer and the only debate to be had is a discussion of how the electorate came to make the wrong choice and how they can be induced to correct their opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. No.......I want to Leave the EU entirely................but I can't see any hope of it happening.
  6. I was watching the BBC News last night (I know :() and it was utterly painful for them to report that current growth was higher than expected. They spun it that manufacturing and services were up, but house building was down and was in fact technically "a recession" :rolleyes: They then made great pains to point out that average wage rises prior to the 2008 crash were 5% and now they are 2%. They were desperate to point out any negative angle and tie it in to Brexit.

    Bad news is always "because of Brexit", good news is always "despite Brexit" with them. :mad:
    #9446 Robarano, Oct 26, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. My local MP says the will of the people will be respected and that the Government under TM is doing the best they can to achieve a good outcome.
    While I personally don't think any kind of deal with the EU will be more advantageous to the UK than WTO rules,(which China,the USA,and most other countries small and large trade with the EU under),I have taken note of his comments.
    I've said it before: either we live in a democracy or we don't,it is that simple.
    Being told what I should or shouldn't do by a UK government is one thing,I can get off my arse and campaign for someone different,(and if enough people do so),that might lead to a change of Government.
    But being told what I must or mustn't do by a remote authority made up of politicians from 27 other countries,all of whom having differing political leanings,is unacceptable,especially as my vote will count very little if I wished to effect a change.
    Would the EU supporters on this forum be happy if 14 of those other countries elected radically conservative MEP's,who then dominated the EU parliament ,and therefore all EU countries were forced to adopt radically conservative policies? I very much doubt they would be so blindly supportive of the organisation if that was the case.
    And yet it could happen: in the same way that the UN is now dominated by tiny countries with an equal vote,leading to the endless Israeli bashing,(Jews have lived in Palestine since the 4th century ffs),and Mugabe chosen as a UN Ambassador for Public Health,(or similar old tosh), despite starving millions of his own people.
    Democracy is under threat,and if the British Government,aided by the EU, the media,and the public sector,pull the rug from under it,there will be an awful lot of very unhappy people.
  8. The irony is that is starting to happen already and is certain to gather pace. Many Europhiles in the UK like the EU because they see it as a means of securing leftist "liberal" government for the UK regardless of election results (though what is liberal about a fortress anti-free-trade customs union and the suppression of democracy I've no idea). But that is precisely why this country voted to leave and why anti-EU parties across Europe are without doubt the shape of things to come.

    By supporting the suppression and debasement of democracy in the belief that they are shielding themselves from more right-wing governance at home, left-wing Europhiles in the UK and across Europe are helping right-wing parties into power. Long may they continue doing so. And the more they howl in protest, throw tantrums, scream invective and slander their opponents, the greater the momentum will become for a societal shift to the right.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Right wing politics only ever leads to wars, death, destruction and greed. Proven time and again throughout history. Italy, Spain, Germany even Britain to name but a few.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. The lefts inability to see the damage they have done whilst refusing to see what everyone else can see, is often the cause for much political unrest
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Were you on the sangria? Where do the likes of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot sit in your summation?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. In the same place. North Korea another one. Japan in the first half of the last century.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. You telling us that you have been "Talking to people" who agree with your point of view again? :rolleyes: How many times have you used this line? :thinkingface:

    You're on holiday, :sun: have a beer and chill. :beer:
  14. He does love his mirrors
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. I heard that it was sock puppets.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. A rare moment of clarity.
  17. Normal service has been resumed.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. When I was 12, a friend told me that socks can work as condoms too. 4 years later he found out they didn't.
  19. Duke, you on an all night sangria fest? From The DPKR's own website;

    "The DPRK is the Juche-oriented socialist state which embodies the idea and leadership of Comrade Kim II Sung, the founder of the Republic and the father of socialist Korea."

    Sounds like something from the Momentum constitution.
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