Henley Cars, Cannock

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Willythepoo, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. Dont go here !
    My son has just bought a Golf GTD from these unscrupulous bastards only to find that it’s unsafe to drive.
    Paid £1000 deposit and the rest on finance. It was parked in such a way that you could not see the misalignment in the front bonnet and panels.
    The front left side has a new wing, suspension parts, buckled alloy, a lump out of the tyre on the inside that you wouldn’t be able to see unless it was on a ramp.
    He informed the finance company and returned the car saying it wasn’t of satisfactory quality.
    They will not give him his £1k back and say the car is OK, despite an independant survey that says otherwise.
    He now has the keys to it but it is still on their premises.
    Short of lamping the director, I have no constructive path to give him to get his money back.
    It seems that even if the law is behind you, you are f****d.
    Apart from all this, what if you need the bloody car for work ?
    It’s a farce.
  2. Sorry to hear of your dilemma. Would Citizens advice be a good place to contact?
  3. Went there this afternoon. Closed at 2:30pm !
    Just found out that i5 came from BCA on 15/8/17, not good.
    More than likely crashed, repaired, auctioned, then sold on.
  4. i would be very surprised if it was bought from registered trader it didn't have an appraisal to view and contest plus a minimum of one months guarantee
  5. It's easy to check a cars history these days, most of it is free, some of it is quite low cost....
  6. He checked the cars history - nothing came up.
    HPI ? What a waste of money.
  7. Have you been to trading standards? did you make a note and pics of the issues?

    What is the finance co doing? are they trying to come after your son/anyone else? You don't want to get rid of the car and find you still have outstanding finance. Make sure you know all the losses before making a claim

    firstly - have you written to them? no point doing anything in person/over the phone? What evidence do you have? did you take pics at the time?
    Have you spoken to trading standards etc? if you have independent evidence that it is defective, then its small claims court time...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. If a finance company is a party to the purchase, they should get stuck in - it is basically part or all of their vehicle.
  9. Could always make up a nice flyer of you experiences and the dealers responses and stand outside the premises giving copies out to everyone goes in. Need to be very sure that it is totally accurate and truthfull or you might end up in trouble but it might get a result if you deter enough potential customers?
  10. According to the finance company, you can’t reject a car if you have ‘seen it’.
    It goes from A to B, so is fit for purpose, but they are sending an independent company (not !), who works for them to inspect it.
    I drove it back to our house and I must admit that I was looking for the squadron of Lancaster bombers around me.
    The drone above 60 and especially 70mph is unbelievable.
    How my lad missed the lump out of the drivers side tyre also, is a mystery.
    When he bought it, it was parked nose in, so you could not see the misalignment in the bonnet. You certainly wouldn’t know that the inside of the nearside alloy wasn’t spherical and have more wheel weights than you get in an M and M’s packet.
    The mirror resonates with the bomber squadron drone.
    As I said before, the law says if the car isn’t ‘satisfactory quality’, you can reject it.
    The law is an ass.
    Meanwhile, how the fk are you supposed to get back and forth to work if sources say you cannot use it ?
    The saga goes on.
  11. Will only be on the HPI register if it was a write off. If it was accident damaged, but never written off, it will never be on the HPI register.

    That said, if you do find out that it was a write off, go back to the HPI company you used, as they normally offer a guarantee that their data is accurate, and they could offer some compensation / help.
  12. I agree with what everyone has said, and feel nothing but sympathy. Vehicle dealers are the scum of the universe to my mind, they are all either shady unscrupulous fucks or blatantly greedy bastards. However, why did nipper not test drive or pull it out of the space before handing over the wedge ??
  13. Your lad didn't kerb it and now saying it was like then when bought? Wouldn't be the first to do that kind of thing (sure we've all done similar)

    ps not read entire thread
  14. I'm surprised the finance company have taken that attitude......I bought a used Mazda MX6 a number of years ago from a main dealer which turned out to have several problems. I got an AA report on the vehicle which supported what I found plus other things and the inspector effectively said the vehicle was a death trap.

    When the finance company saw the report, they instantly contacted the dealer; arranged for the car to be collected and unwound the finance deal. They also got (made?) the dealer to refund the cost of the report; the cash deposit in full; plus cash for my old car which was also part of the deposit (which they had traded out); and other expenses.
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  15. small claims court ...30 days to reject it as "not fit for purpose" put it in writing ...job done
  16. I remember once buying a car and the whole front suspension collapsed whilst I was driving it a week later. The dealer refused a refund, we went to small claims and the dealer produced a receipt I'd never seen saying sold for sale as spares repair/scrap. He was confident he would win until the adjudicator asked, why was he given a test drive then? I won all my pennies and costs back
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  17. We had ACE come and inspect it and take photographs on Monday night. Their reviews are shite.
    All four tyres have rips or lumps out of them. The Lancaster bomber noise is from the left front bearing being knackered and sure enough, the panels are still in primer on the inside and also misaligned.
    This car went through an MOT just before sale !
    Now let’s see what happens ......
    #20 Willythepoo, Nov 8, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
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