anyone ever had a run in with this bunch of jokers? They’ve sent me a ticket in the post stating “no valid permit displayed” accompanied by pictures that look like they have been taken with a potato.. in which you can actually see my permit in the corner of my windscreen. I’ve been arguing with the w*****s for over two weeks about it now, they’re saying it wasn’t displayed correctly (not all of the permit).. it had been displayed that way for thee and a half years in every car I’ve ever owned in that location. And you could see the important info. Thoughts please Cs, the female I spoke to on the phone was a complete c**t, and riled me to the point I had to put the phone down on her.
Dont quote me but pretty sure if it's a private company then you just throw it in the bin as they're not going to take you to court. I had similar from the hospital in Richmond when I took Vale there earlier in the year and I just filed it in the bin.
I think you can appeal and will likely be let off by the Independent Arbitration if you have a valid case which it certainly sounds like you do.
Don't make contact, ignore everything, they get bored and go away. They ended up reducing the fine, we shredded that also, they went away.
I seem to remember something along the lines of the car park company can't do much so when you don't pay they send a letter from a legal company threatening to send debt collectors. All of the companies they mention, are the same company using fake threats to make you pay up This hits some key points Parking Fine Notifications are not the same as council-issued tickets. They are actually invoices. If you do not pay the ticket, it cannot affect your credit record and the issuers cannot send bailiffs to recover the money. If they want to force you to pay, they will need to take you to court, which is costly and time-consuming. What they are sending you is an invoice for a breach of contract. When you drive onto private land or a car park, you enter into an unwritten contract. he issue is therefore a contractual, civil matter and not a criminal one. Since 2012, clamping on private land in England and Wales was banned under the Protection of Freedom Act. In Scotland, the practice was banned in 1992. However, in Northern Ireland the right to clamp still exists. Ultimately it is down to you and I would adise looking up the companies then add something like scam, illegal etc and the google might give you more info
As noobs said, we Google Searched all the companies who wrote to us, they were all the same phone number and post code etc, bin everything, worry not, they ain't doing Jack shit
As you are a customer; write to them reminding them how much they will lose if you feel jinxed towards them for the next 35+ years of your life (including your family & friends). Remind them that with social media as a paying customer & not some belligerent pleb. You cannot fathom how they wish to ruin their own credibility as a valid organization & see sense in calling this a simple breakdown in communication.
See post #41 @Advikaz
I would suggest popla I took on a parking company it cost me £150 out of court reduced from nearly £300 BW Legal were the ones chasing me on behalf of vehicle control services It went on for 2 years 2014-2016
Court cases vary, as due circumstances but its not always possible to simply ignore the paperwork - though it sometimes is!
Beavis is the case that every private parking company tries to scare you with in their letters, I think it's the only one (and one in Scotland I believe) that has gone the wrong way. It was too do with revenue lost iirc? NPE issued 27000 tickets in one year, and zero went to court. Zero!! It's your shout dude but google around and most will say, shred it
The company you wrote of, are not even on the bpa list. So I would defo ignore
If they were to take you to court using photographic evidence that shows a valid permit displayed in your windscreen, they wouldn’t get too far. Just ignore them, they’re trying it on in the hope you’ll get scared and cough up.
i got a ticket from NCP while my car was parked in a COOP car park. the only reason it was in there was because the store manger asked me to park in there to give them room to maneuver some arctics around. CNP weren't interested. after chatting to a copper mate who advised i ignore them, so i did. that was 7-8 years ago. apart from a couple of warning letters way back i have heard nothing. screw em.
Parking Eye is one of the most notorious ones out there ... They try to make it look like a proper parking ticket. Just shred everything that comes thro the door. DONT ENGAGE IN ANY CORRESPONDENCE WITH THEM .. If you do that you will only get three letters 1- Pay now and it's cheaper, 2 - You didn't pay so pay the full amount, and 3 - We'll take you to court and the bailiffs will take your house..... After them three they give up.