Henley Cars, Cannock

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Willythepoo, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. I gather then your son bought it without driving it or inspecting it properly?

    Not that it makes any difference on the car they sold but would highlight why test drives and if you are unsure yourself why a qualified/ capable person, as your wing man helps.
  2. He test drove it to 50 mph, because of traffic. Next day was the eye opener.
    But guess what folks - we have a result !
    The finance company have rejected it today and will collect it.
    The dealer is to be investigated for selling it in the first place and telling blatant lies.
    • Like Like x 7
  3. Well folks, the garage are ignoring the finance company, the finance company are ignoring my son and the car is still on the fkn drive
    Absolutely ridiculous situation. Meanwhile he is borrowing his girlfriend’s car.
    Trading standards and the ombudsman involved.
    We might have a law, but try enforcing it !
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  4. btw, the dislike is for the shoddy treatment that you are getting.
  5. The car was finally picked up on a low loader and taken to - wait for it - Donington car auctions. Aston Barclay will be selling it on to another unsuspecting owner, or an unscrupulous dealer.
    The guy who picked it up was doing 130 vehicles a day and couldn’t cope with the demand. A number of trucks, full time.
    Beware !
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