1200 Enduro Sidi Adventure Boots Scratch Paintwork On Engine Casing

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Arthur Two Sheds, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Thanks for your reply. I’ve done some further detective work and discovered Inver are a Greek paint manufacturer and you can’t buy the paint from them. There is a distributor in the UK but they also don’t sell to general public either.

    So what I’m doing is emailing as many auto paint suppliers and local auto body shops as I can find and see if they can get the paint and then in turn I buy it from them. After all this detective work I think I’ll get a job with Interpol.

    If anyone else has any thoughts on how I can get the official paint or a shade made near as dam then feel free to comment here. Thanks to all whom have helped me out so far.
  2. Useful post for anyone considering biting this style of boot. Glad I didnt in the end :)
  3. Feeling really naffed off and not very happy with Ducati. I have been informed by Ducati UK (they have been great and very helpfull by the way) that the Ducati factory cannot supply any further information as to the paint or even the paint code that Ducati use for the engine crank/clutch casing on the Multi Enduro.

    I've manged to locate the company that supply the paint to Ducati (Inver) but they do not sell to the public but have a distributor here in the UK. However, the UK distributer also doesn't sell to the public. I've contacted several auto paint manufacturers and they want to help but cant because they need a paint code. For example LECHLER, PPG or Pantone. The paint code Inver use is their own in-house code so nobody apart from themselves now how the paint is made up.

    Don't get me wrong I know that bikes do become scratched or damaged through general use but surely the manufacturers have a responcibility to their customers (especially ones at costing £16K+). I want to get this repaired before the UK Winter starts rusting and ripping the bike apart. Maybe I was expecting a little more from Ducati but I'm not overly impressed with their customer service. I feel really let down by them but hey ho I guess thats how it goes.

    I'm now scratching my head wondering what I should do next. Any thoughts from fellow forum members would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for having a moan so rant over.

    Ducati Colour swatch.JPG

  4. I would try to contact the factory if possible because from my experience with Ducati UK they can unhelpful and may not have / give accurate information ......
  5. Reply I received for this same question from the factory...

    Dear Mr. MossleyMonster,
    thank you for getting back to us.

    We would like to thank you also for the attachment sent, we already updated your Monster 1100S ownership in your profile.

    Concerning your enquiry below, we regret to inform you that our Customer Service can provide paint colours, if available, for chassis, rims, tank and fairing only, for all other bike parts, we kindly invite you to contact a body shop that may helps you with a tintometer.

    We are at your disposal.

    Kindest regards,

    Customer Service
    Ducati Motor Holding Spa
    Borgo Panigale – Italy
  6. Can you get any more dramatic? People blame the manufacturer for the most ridiculous things.
    Get a body shop to match the paint, it really is that simple.
    No manufacturer carries case paint so don't trash Ducati for not being able to satisfy overbearing demands
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  7. So if the U.K. distributor is supplying trade, can you find out who is one of their trade buyers? Then have them do the touch up work?
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Nice link Gert.
  9. 3M HS 8671 Helicopter Tape is the answer BUT you have to put it on from new or as soon as you see any initial marks left by boots etc. And it is cheap!
  10. wrap some helicopter tape around your boots too, just in case...............
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. what in the world is Helicopter Tape?
  12. Search for 3M H8671 Tape - AKA helicopter tape
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Take it off get it shot blasted and a good coating of powder coat ... done right its very tuff stuff ... ive got this on my GasGas 300 ec cases still look like new even after my Sidi Crossfires on ...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Spent quite a bit of time getting angry over Ducati's finishes (and the shitness of them). Rebuilt one bike from the ground up using a variety of different coatings (all light years ahead of Ducati's offerings) but then, your buying something built to a price aren't you?

    I would say a powdercoat while reasonably hardy will be a bit "jelly mould" as it were. Powder coat is great in non resistant places like subframes and headlight frames and the like but would scratch a bit in a high abrasive area.... One option is "Xylan" My ktm 525 motor is coated in that and looks as good as it did 3 years on...in fact a good test a few weeks back was that i dropped it off for MOT, picked it up at then end of the day....rode down the road from the bike shop, god awful smell (thought it was cleaner from when i cleaned it) but in fact turned out to be a massive bird shit right across the barrel. By the time i got home it was well and truly baked on. Let the motor cool down, sprayed with WD40, left to soak for a couple of mins and then simply rubbed off. Xylan is the weapon of choice for oil rig applications so im told.

    Also - Cerakote. Just had the hypers engine casings done in that - used for coating guns in. Very hard, very thin. Initial opinion is that it looks like its going to do the job....have to see how it fairs against the Xylan finish.

    I would say the ducati paint is probably no better than kids poster paint IMO.
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