1200 DVT Touratech (?) Garmin Zumo Power Lead Modification

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by firecat0_0, Dec 3, 2017.

  1. Hi, I have searched on here but cannot find a live link to the article detailing how to modify the standard garmin power lead to a simple two pin connector. I did this a number of years back using the link provided by AndyW on the mts1200 website but that is now defunct. Can anyone help me out? Cheers
  2. I'm pretty sure you can buy an adapter lead that joins the two, they are pennies from Ducati MD ?? Seem to remember someone else buying one here ??
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  3. Hi both, thanks for posting, the links are still in a number of places but the detail is no longer showing. ThaNk you for posting the links Rebel, unfortunately they are not showing the detail I was after. What I want to do is cut the bits I don't require off the loom fitted to the cradle and to solder the Ducati provided white connector to the correct two wires for a nice neat job. The mod removes everything to the right of the weird shape block with the multiple output cables moulded in. See pics.

    IMG_8621.jpg IMG_8622.jpg
  4. I knew it was on there somewhere... just I wasn't at my pc with the correct link

    I was going to do the same but instead tie wrapped neatly thru the frame to under the seat plus I took off too much panelling and undid the tank and lost 3hrs down the road for a Scottish Ducati Weekender back in August and told by many members I only needed to remove one panel for that white connector...
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