Cheggers Played Pop..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. ...and now he’s gone pop. RIP one of the 80’s kids TV icons and
  2. I think his liver took a bit of a beating over the years, having fought off alcoholism in the past.
  3. He did some odd things. Naked celebrity? Extras as was brilliant
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The report I read said respiratory failure after a long fight against lung disease. The family are local to me and he guest appeared in several things locally. Not my favourite person but sad that anyone and their family should go through a drawn out terminal illness. Andy
  5. i remember when he went all bunny boiler live on the Big Breakfast with his ex Maggie Philbin, turned up on her doorstep with a camera crew :)
    #6 triari, Dec 11, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2017
  6. I wonder if he shat himself every time the phone rang or there was a knock on the door?
  7. Ah just read that he passed away

    RIP cheggars :(
  8. I wonder how many will come out of the woodwork accusing him of "feeling them up", now he's gone,, I see Sam Fox is on that bandwagon with David Cassidy.
  9. Saw that and the photos they took together and that he was her idol and used to kiss his picture every night. And then she wonders why he made a pass at her,,,
  10. And coincidentally she has a book to sell.
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  11. R.I.P. Cheggers :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Is Cheggers plays pop
    Cheggers plays harp?
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