Christmas 2017 - What You Get?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ben Mallinson, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. So who was good enough for Santa to bring them some nice presents?

    I was extraordinarily good this year and got a nice bottle of aftershave, wash set & new jumper from the kids and a card with some spending money in (to ease the pain of being dragged to Lincoln for the sales tomorrow) from Mrs M so I'm happy... Simple things and all that!

    So what did everyone else get?
  2. Mrs Ex got a new lap top, I got socks o_O:upyeah: Mini Ex got lots as usual :)
    Just need a Foggy Rep now from me to me :innocent:
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  3. Nikon D750 + 28-300 lens :)
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  4. Blimey! You must have been good this year ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. My favourite was this glittery rotating glass tree thing. It lights up and makes a racket. It’s awesome.
  6. Usual stuff, socks, soap. few choccys....mother in law gave me a hundred quid which I handed over to the wife (so shes now got 200)....don't really care, just a break from everything is more than enough for me...
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  7. I got some new smellys, chocolate, gin, slippers but I got the missus a new iphone so fingers crossed for later on tonight lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Avade vest, Keiss heated inners some eau de toilette and some Pernod.

    Just an aside little grandson hadn't been told by his older brother wife and I were buying there presents to their mother. So the little one wrapped all his christening presents up so his mum had something to open
  9. D60F39DB-3958-4D40-A9C7-3DA4D999B6DD.png
    Ace, what colour did you get.
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  10. I didnt get an Aston Martin.....W.T.F.????
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  11. sonic screwdriver?
  12. A LuigiMoto service and remap on the 749R.
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  13. Pictures off my Son to go in my man room :cool:

    Jumpers, jeans and a cordless angle grinder from our lass :D

    IMAG1046.jpg IMAG1047.jpg IMAG1048.jpg
    #14 Wayne58, Dec 25, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2017
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  14. Some nice gifts there Wayne :upyeah:

    Slippers and crocs from my lad, apparently my existing ones have holes in the bottoms...and a bottle of Hendricks

    Some Davidoff Adventure aftershave (there’s a signal there somewhere;) ) a Fitbit Alta for when I am wearing a normal watch not my Blaze and a few little things.

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  15. MacBook Air and a keyless fuel cap for the Multi, plus the usual smellies and stuff.

    I've been good this year, bought eldest daughter a little Fiat 500 for her 18th last Tuesday so wifey was v.happy.

    All in a good Christmas had in the Solomon household
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  16. New Halfords socket set
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  17. After shave bradders? You're not from Cheshire though?? :D

    Hope ya day went well:upyeah:
  18. Using the card? :upyeah::cool:
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