I am looking to fit a set of none Ducati LED spot lights to my 2016 1200S these I want operated from the existing handlebar switch I understand my dealer will have to activate this which is fine as it goes in for its main service next month. However my problem is where can I find the connection within the wiring loom to connect the lights into? I can see from the wiring diagram that allowance has been made but cannot find the relevant plug anywhere all the photos of the loom in the workshop doesn't give a clue. Has anyone already done this? Desperado
I removed a set of Ducati LED auxiliary lights from my 2015 bike and installed them on my 2017 bike. The connector is under the tank near the headstock, so it's a tank off job I'm afraid, see the fitting instructions. It's also worth noting that when I had a fault in the the wiring loom which connects the lights into this connector there was an error displayed on the screen. I'm not sure how the electrical system will react to connecting third party lights into the loom using this connector. Best of luck.
Hi Despy, currently have the tank off my bike as I'm replacing the all but useless heated grips with Oxford ones and connecting them into the oem plugs, this should be interesting , if you need any further help in locating the oem plugs for the spotlights give me a shout and I'll check against my bike, whilst it's stilll in bits!! Phil
No need to remove the actual tank, just the cover and side panels. Connector is the one in the image, to the LHS of the headstock as viewed when sat on the bike, i fitted my lights in less than an hour. Images attached for information. Steve
That's nice to know where to plug in, id like to do that to my PP though id like to something like those nudge bar light bars on either side rather the pokey spot lights... Looking at this suppose this the location for the DVT only n not one previous
Sorry my mistake, only the tank cover needs to be removed but you do need to remove the filler cap to remove the cover.
You can buy connectors for your aftermarket lights that mate with the OEM Ducati connector on the bike from a company called Eastern Beaver. You're looking for the 3-pin Sumitomo sealed connector: http://easternbeaver.com/Main/Elec__Products/Connectors/Sealed/SM-HM/sm-hm.html
Hi Phil. Are you going to use the Oxford controller or just plug in the Oxford grips as a direct replacement for the Ducati grips (not install the Oxford controller)? I tried that on my 2015 DVT and the resulting poor performance was exactly the same as the OEM grips. I ended up not using the OEM Ducati grip heating system at all and sticking with the Oxford controller and grips.
Hi mroberto, I gave up on this idea in the end, sounds like the right decision going by your experience. I only took the lh oem grip off and connected the oxford grip but didn't really notice any heat gain, I didn't want to risk taking the oem throttle side apart, so left it all as standard, ended up getting heated gloves instead , now they are toasty!!
Thanks for all that very useful information. Just need a free weekend to get all the plastic off. Desperado