So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Is this just one of those things I'm not going to be allowed to forget :wink:
  2. i found it quietly amusing :smile:
  3. Probably not = however Matt thinks your Tory which is even funnier
  4. Who what me eh?

    i dint do nuffink :tongue:
  5. Sat in the sun for 4 hours, had 4 rum punches, a take away from the local supermarket. Then a couple of large rum and sprites, it's a tough life in Barbados.
  6. Managed to get the door down but in the process trapped myself in the garage :rolleyes: 2 hours later after re-threading cables, tensioning the huge spring and a liberal squirt of WD40 the thing goes up and down and I am a free man.#needbeer
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  7. went to doctors, miserable cow, throat infection, took tv to dump nearly got hernia carrying it old 28" fat thing, went to pictures with girlfriend watched the impossible i cried !
  8. Cried as it was sad ..... Or cried at cost of a popcorn and a Ben & Jerry's ?
  9. I went to bed and woke up two hours ago. I hauled my arse out of bed an hour ago to do some work cos I was bored. :rolleyes:
  10. I'm beginning to think that your company puts stuff in the tea, El T, to keep you awake and putting in extra hours.

    They certainly get their money's worth out of you!

    Perhaps you should think of something you'd like to learn or make during your insomnia hours, then you'd either put them to good use and feel better about it, or, more likely, sod's law would ensure that you no longer get insomnia so didn't learn/make anything.
  11. Took bike up road to garage

    Went home and grabbed a couple of bottle of white

    Clinked them together

    Bottom fell straight out of one over lounge carpet

    Sat at work now smelling ever so slightly of Sauvignon Blanc :mad:
  12. Went to MotoRapido to see about setting up suspension only to find that I need a new head bearing and front tyre would be better replacing before attempting to set them up, so where is the best place to source parts and are the bearings easy to change ?
  13. Coughing, sneezing, hacking and spluttering mainly
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  14. Just finishing with that! Today I have been mainly grinning from ear to ear :biggrin:
  15. And this afternoon consisted of a vist to the physio to work in my knee, tears were brought to my eyes (she always does) and now got some fancy strapping down my leg !
  16. Took the 848 sf out down to brighton...................... boy it was cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least the roads were dry.
  17. Ain't that the truth! :rolleyes:

    Today has been much of a muchness. Lots of phone calls where no-one is in and/or available. Some legal stuff. And a half decent meeting with a potential client. :smile:
  18. Me too. And to make matters worse, the wife's cleared off for a couple of days, leaving me to fight this serious illness alone. Heartless bitch.

    I've just eaten the last pork pie, along with some cold sausages, so the fridge is empty and I'm too weak to go to the shop. And God knows where she keeps the tea-bags, I would'nt be surprised if she has'nt hidden them on purpose. The hens won't go back into the henhut, they're hiding in the greenhouse. The daft buggers think I can't see them.

    And it's been a lovely day, I could've been out on the bike.:rolleyes:

  19. OMG seriously - what a bitch

    Can you eat the hens?

    I do hope you can reach the phone for a takeout if not :wink:
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  20. Today I arr bin mostly felling like piss , ........... What's going on ???? I'm never Ill ????? Arse!!!!!
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