Hypermotard 821 Electronics Issue?

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Lucazade, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. Hi All,

    So my so far 100% reliable hyper decided it's enough after 12 monhts of every day use.

    Started fine, about 30 seconds in to my ride it all went off:

    EOBD came on solid, Neutral, (centre red) and oil pressure light started flashing even intervals but different number of flashes per sequence. It was doing it while riding or standing still.
    Engine temp was not reading at all (ambient fine). Fans were at 100% from start.
    DTC was showing "-" instead of number and flashing, on dash you also see word errors.

    Bike run fine so went to work as did not fancy a train. Kept going for about 5 miles, then stopped to try and record the sequence but as soon as I did the neutral, red light and oil light stopped flashing. All seemed to go back to normal (seconds earlier on junction was still flashing).

    Set off as soon as I did EOBD was coming on with errors, DTC - and flashing for few seconds then back to normal and all over again. The other trio of lights was flashing for a second at a time most, randomly here and there (not all the time).
    Then I tried to overtake, at same time I opened throttle all lights came on and it stopped dead. Did not want to restart till I put ignition on/off. That made the EOBD light clear off.
    As soon as I set off EOBD was back to flashing randomly on or off.
    A mile down the road stalled again, started by just pressing start button (no ignition on/off) then 2 miles down yet again and smelled strong of petrol did not want to start to much. Did it few more times under harder acceleration only when eobd or trio of the lightskicked in. Was fine when all looked normal so intermittent.
    I could accelerate slowly or even hard as long as dash was fine but if I was accelerating hard and lights as above came it was cutting out or missfiering like TC kicking in for no reason.
    Even in straight line under constant throttle when trio of lights was flashing it was backfiering like TC working?!

    I think plugs are now fould as well from all the stalling but that is besides the point.

    Any idea what that might be?

    My bet is one of the DTC sensors as ABS remained working, engine works and pulls fine it only stalled when under hard acceleration and eobd coming on.

    Now with dealer but curious if anyone else had that fault.
  2. had a similar (ish) issue with mine, TC lights flashing constantly, dashboard errors... rough running, no acceleration

    it was the ABS sensor wire from the rear disc. workshop had not secured the wire correctly after a disc change and the wire must have been rubbing on the disc and worn through causing it to short on the disc.

    ziptie and tape - fixed!
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. Ecu, dash and part of loom fried. Best guess vertical cylinder coil discharged in to loom
  4. ouch.
    that could be expensive by the sounds of it.
    Sorry to read that.
  5. It was under warranty but apparently not an isolated accident.

    He had 3 bikes with same issues in last 2 months (more in past). Mine lost it all but was still running lol.
    While two others lost dash and did not start.

    Anyone knows of private extended warranty scheme?
  6. There was a TSB out for the dash fault on affected bikes, mine was in a couple of weeks ago for the campaign.
    they fitted a suppressor/filter to stop the dash being fried.
    they also did the latest software update All FOC,
    Note that Ducati didn't send a letter out for this, I found out by ringing my dealer and they checked on their system.
    Mine is almost four years old now.
    Ducati are not saying this is a recall, even though they know there is a fault with the electronics. They are saying its a technical service bulitin, to carry out the work out when the customers bike is in for service.
  7. When was your last failure and did you have the work done?
  8. only failure I have had is error code the other week 18000miles and its the front lambda sensor has failed. Bike still runs ok. Ebay sorted a replacement for £30.00. Not sure if it still ran fine because its got the Rapidbike evo module fitted and it used base settings??
  9. more likely the throttle position sensor at fault , as mine did exactly what the op stated .i found when on a constant throttle it was ok but when i gave it some abuse it would cut out.
  10. In my case cable between dash and loom got fried by coil pack. Known issue, they release few versions of fix (different cables with different suppressors) and allegedly one installed on my hyper was the final that works.

    Basically normally dash dies 100% together with ECU. In my case dash got damaged but as I never killed ignition off I was able to start and ride bike. When I stopped it dealer was not able to start it again.
    Error codes recorded included dash missing and ecu missing while engine running lol.
  11. so does that mean that they still have not found a proper cure for this old problem?
  12. They would have to change entire loom to same one as on 939 lol so I guess no better to hope it will fail after warranty :)
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  13. All this above is what has me apprehensive in buying a hyperatrada.....;(
  14. Get a 939 and problem solved. Do not let it stop you bike is awesome.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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