Newish Owner Of Lovely Sf848

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Adey71, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Hello All,

    Picked up a 2013 Streetfighter 848 end of last year so had it for a few months now but only had a few weeks of riding until winter kicked in.

    Loving the bike but it does have a big ass standard Can on it, so first thing to change will be that. Interested in an SC-Project silencer so hopefully will be my first upgrade.

    cheers All,

  2. Welcome SF dude :cool:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Pics of your bins please Adey. :) If you can shoehorn the SF in to the background that would be a bonus. :upyeah:

    That SC-Project can does look LOUD mind you. o_O

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  4. The CR-T is nice but I think it will be to loud. Looking at the GP-m2 which isn't quite as pretty but probably a little quieter.
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  5. Welcome David
  6. Go Akrapovic. :upyeah: You know it makes sense. :)

    • Like Like x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Welcome along mate :cool:
  8. Thing is...the bike has a sexy single swingarm and dont understand why its covered with twin cans?... i want to show off that lovely wheel :)
  9. Kewl :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. EC2BB4DA-0F81-44E2-A584-F832A7DCBAF0.jpeg Only termis look cool ;p
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  11. 18193720_10154372903870264_4486615710064441444_n.jpg
  12. Yeah, i did look at the AR Can and its lovely but its £950 ??, i cant justify that and another £500 for remap and filter etc...
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